Visual Music Synchronization (new code inside)
Hi, folks...
I am back to WAM 2.2 to resume my study. Upon Chapter #8 (Frequency and Sound), I am unable to hear sounds due to my deafness since infancy. So, I added some codes to some exercises to display notes on Debug Terminal in order to follow music visually. One particular example to which I added codes is MusicWithMoreFeatures.bs2. The additional codes are showing below as well as the entire modified file is attached. In old days, on some music movie, a ball was dancing upon English words in synchronization if you are old enough to remember.
The problem is music synchronization with English words. I ain't no Beethoven. Would someone be kind to help me to rearrange the words in synchronization? Download the attached file and play the music. See if it is in synchronization or not.
Added some data in DATA area:
Included ShowMessage call in the loop:
Added a new subroutine at the end:
Big thanks!
Ol' Geo
Retired Software Engineer
An oscilloscope is a window of unseen electronic world. - GM
Post Edited (Ol' Geo) : 9/19/2007 3:15:43 AM GMT
I am back to WAM 2.2 to resume my study. Upon Chapter #8 (Frequency and Sound), I am unable to hear sounds due to my deafness since infancy. So, I added some codes to some exercises to display notes on Debug Terminal in order to follow music visually. One particular example to which I added codes is MusicWithMoreFeatures.bs2. The additional codes are showing below as well as the entire modified file is attached. In old days, on some music movie, a ball was dancing upon English words in synchronization if you are old enough to remember.
The problem is music synchronization with English words. I ain't no Beethoven. Would someone be kind to help me to rearrange the words in synchronization? Download the attached file and play the music. See if it is in synchronization or not.
Added some data in DATA area:
Wd1 DATA "For ", 0 Wd2 DATA "He's ", 0 Wd3 DATA "a ", 0 Wd4 DATA "Jolly ", 0 Wd5 DATA "Good ", 0 Wd6 DATA "Fellow ", 0 Spc DATA " ", 0 Done DATA "!", CR, 0 Words DATA Word Wd1, Word Spc, Word Spc, Word Spc, ' "For" Word Wd2, Word Wd3, ' "He's a" Word Wd4, Word Spc, Word Spc, ' "Jolly" Word Wd5, Word Spc, Word Spc, ' "Good" Word Wd6, Word Spc, Word Spc, Word Spc, ' "Fellow" Word Done ' "!" message VAR Word
Included ShowMessage call in the loop:
DO UNTIL noteLetter = "Q" READ Words + (2 * index), Word message GOSUB ShowMessage ... index = index + 1 LOOP END
Added a new subroutine at the end:
idx VAR Byte letter VAR Byte ShowMessage: idx = 0 DO READ message + idx, letter IF letter <> 0 THEN DEBUG letter idx = idx + 1 LOOP UNTIL (letter = 0) RETURN
Big thanks!
Ol' Geo
Retired Software Engineer
An oscilloscope is a window of unseen electronic world. - GM
Post Edited (Ol' Geo) : 9/19/2007 3:15:43 AM GMT
for-he's-a-jol-ly-good-fel-low, for-he's-a-jol-ly-good-fel-low
You could put a blank space in the debug statement for each single-syllable word, and leave it out for the two-syllable words "jolly" and "fellow" maybe?
-Stephanie Lindsay
Editor, Parallax Inc.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
I have rearranged words as per your suggestion. I didn't know the phrase repeats twice. Hope all words are now in synch. Please check the new code once more to be sure. Thanks.
Ol' Geo
Retired Software Engineer
An oscilloscope is a window of unseen electronic world. - GM
Post Edited (Ol' Geo) : 9/19/2007 3:17:22 AM GMT
This is a really creative and interesting enhancement to the program.
I think it would make a great homework assignment for teachers using WAM, too!