PENGUIN ROBOT Soccer - the Code
Just in time for the weekend...
You've seen the movie. Now download the code!
This is the first soccer playing program for Penguin robot. It's also
the first program to incorporate the wireless IR remote.
My sincere thanks goes out to everyone here who posted
wonderful comments and gave me the inspiration to write this code.
The original Penguin Soccer Playing Robot - Movie Trailer!
Just in time for the weekend...
You've seen the movie. Now download the code!
This is the first soccer playing program for Penguin robot. It's also
the first program to incorporate the wireless IR remote.
My sincere thanks goes out to everyone here who posted
wonderful comments and gave me the inspiration to write this code.
' This is wireless soccer. The program will allow Penguin to enter ' robot league Soccer tournaments, or play a good game of Desktop ' soccer. Penguin control is by infrared wireless using a Soccer ' Template created in PBASIC - giving a TV remote full soccer ' playing functions. The remote standard is SONY. This program ' combines elements of Soccer, Motion Control, and the hand held ' remote. ' Penguin robot can kick a small soccer ball with one or the other ' foot, make goals, act as Goalie, work the field (or desktop), walk ' or run forwards and backwards, and do turns. There's additional ' special functions, for a total of 11 functions with 6 buttons ' available for add-on programming.
The original Penguin Soccer Playing Robot - Movie Trailer!
Never give up when things go wrong.
And thanks a ton for the soccer code. My penguin is here tomorrow and I will be giving your code a workout.
all my sony remotes work. i use a ps2 dvd remote.