Northwest Classic Gaming Expo
Posts: 1,305
The Northwest Classic Gaming Enthusiasts will be having an expo Sept 29-30 in Portland OR.
I wonder if any Hydras will be present..? Could be a good opportunity for exposure.
I wonder if any Hydras will be present..? Could be a good opportunity for exposure.
Didn't know this was happening. Can't show HYDRA as a vendor, but I am seriously tempted to take it along for a day, while I look at all the other retro goodies.
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Setup for the show nominally started at 5AM(!) on Saturday. We decided to get a little extra sleep and only started setting up at 6. This was our first experience doing anything like this so we didn't quite know what to expect, but fortunately Andre' had laid out exactly what to do and things went well.
People would come by and we'd ask them if they'd ever thought about writing their own games. Then we'd show off a few games on the Hydra with the SD card. People were very impressed with Dodgy Kong; almost everyone commented on how good a port it was. They liked the tilt-pad too. And we got a few Battlez0wned death matches going as well.
Now I should say something about the attendees. Demographically they were all over the map, but they were primarily game players and collectors. A lot of them looked like deer in the headlights when asked about writing their own games, as if the concept was completely foreign to them. They'd never given it any thought, perhaps because they didn't realize it was possible. A lot of folks, on seeing the Hydra, said they'd never seen anything like it.·It was a bit strange to me to meet these people who play games and·have·little interest in writing·them.
Not to say that everyone was like that. There were some coders in the mix. Heck, there were people at the show who'd written new games for the Dreamcast and even the 2600! (On a personal note, one fellow actually remembered some Atari 8-bit stuff I'd done.)
Anyway, I hope we were able to spark some interest. We had a fun two days in any case. A big thank-you to Andre' for the opportunity!
I've attached a few photos.
Wooohooo! That's just awesome! I REALLY enjoyed seeing the DK photo; thanks! It's a blast to see people playing something I got to help out with.
Thanks for your hard work; I wish I'd been able to come up and see it in person.