No joy with a USB to DB_9 to SX-Key tool chain for programming SX-28.
I'm connecting my HP desktop system via USB and using a usb mini male end into a parallax item 28030 "USB to DB-9·connector/232 adaptor" rev b.· Then I plug into·my SX-Key rev f.· The usb to db-9 thing installs itself using the lastest ftdi drivers, which are Windows cert.· I view the port that has·opened via the Windows Hardware list in the control panel.· It says com3.· I· try all the IDE's I found (2.02, 2.3, 2.3+)...with and without connection to the 4-pin port on my sx-28 and 48/52 boards.· According to the failure msgs when I try to set the clock, with the normal clock disconnected, the IDE consistently fails to find the sx-key on com3.· So, my question is whether the usb-28030-SXkey tool chain is possible?
Post Edited (adrift) : 9/14/2007 5:17:21 AM GMT
Post Edited (adrift) : 9/14/2007 5:17:21 AM GMT
Make sure you have the latest drivers from FTDI.
You should have a green led (top one) on the USBto323.
When sending data, the red led (bottom one) should be flashing. (data)
HTH, Chris
Post Edited (adrift) : 9/14/2007 3:15:08 PM GMT
regards peter
regards peter
the steady green LED, and the sporadically blinking red LED indicate that some comminucation via the USB port takes place. Therefore, you should check if the problem is not eventually caused by the SX-Key. Do you have any computer with a COM port available where you could hook up the SX-Key without the need for using the USB/RS232 adapter?
Greetings from Germany,
latency 1ms, usb transfer sizes 64 bytes.
Works for me.
regards peter
so I'm going to send the key back to xgamestation (where I bought it) for testing.
I have encountered the same problem with generally FTDI chips (USB2SER, SXKey):
1) I tried everything, changing paramters, and so on. All seem to be ok
2) I tried using the windows terminal to test connectivity
3) I tried "Disabling the Device" from the hardware manager
4) I tried "Rebooting" after Disabling the Device
5) I tried "Disabling" the COM and toggling back and forth with reboots
6) I also "Updated the Driver" from the update dialog box
How I resolved it:
What Worked:
After a number days, I was successful. It appeared that the device installation had a corrupted binding and the operating system had issues with driver.
1) I simply UnInstalled the Device
2) I rebooted
3) I plugged in the device again for recognition
4) And did use the emulator and a home grown program to send back and forth
5) Resolution Worked
So, I say, the reson I mentioned all of these steps, is simply to trace back the troubleshooting of the process or any similar process. I believe having 2 FTDI chips on one computer system may or may not sporadically have a similar behavior.
Note: Once I have done what I needed to do to fix this problem, I have never had any problem.
Follow These Steps to Get to the Device Manager
Go To Start, Find "My Computer", Mouse Over, Right Click, Select "Properties", Dialog Opens, Select "Hardware" tab, and locate the USB section on the hierarchical view(Tree View).
Bashar Sadig
Senior Solutions Architect - Enterprise Applications
And not in a row.
I bought·a Parallax Blitz key, which is usb-to-4 pin, with less functionality than the sx-key but with way more reliability.· The main missing feature as far as I'm concerned is the lack of the adjustable clock with the Blitz.· But it'll do.
Thanks for your detailed and considered response.