Signal detection mobile phone
I'm looking for a circuit to detect mobile phone activity in a range of max 3m.
I will explain myself and the project...
I need to build a remote gate opener with 'caller id check', for a complex with several gates.
This would only be possible if each entrance to the·complex would have it's one 'unique' id ... this means x times a
gsm/gprs modem.
To overcome this, I can use one modem and a mobile phone detector connected to a stamp at each gate, communicating over
rf with the master (where the gsm modem is connected to). The idea is to check which gate detects a mobile phone when the
master gets an incoming call.
As you see, the detector doesn't have to be fancy, it just needs to close a contact if there is a cellphone nearby.
I'm looking for a circuit to detect mobile phone activity in a range of max 3m.
I will explain myself and the project...
I need to build a remote gate opener with 'caller id check', for a complex with several gates.
This would only be possible if each entrance to the·complex would have it's one 'unique' id ... this means x times a
gsm/gprs modem.
To overcome this, I can use one modem and a mobile phone detector connected to a stamp at each gate, communicating over
rf with the master (where the gsm modem is connected to). The idea is to check which gate detects a mobile phone when the
master gets an incoming call.
As you see, the detector doesn't have to be fancy, it just needs to close a contact if there is a cellphone nearby.
Is this to be connected to a BASIC Stamp? Your question does not mention the BASIC Stamp but is located in the BASIC Stamp Forum. Assuming it is, I recall someone in the forums who used a similar method of security using his Cell Phone who turned on Blue Tooth and used our EB500 to detect the MAC address to allow entry.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Yes, the idea is to hook it up to a few stamps, each for every gate.
Each stamp gets his own 'gsm nearby detector', and sends this information via rf to the master, which will be a stamp with rf connected on, a max 232 to exchange data with a pc (who is checking if aces is allowed). Via the same rf a signal will go back to the stamp that triggered the master if acces is granted. Everything get nicely stored in a log.txt. The Acces information goes into a MDF file.
If you know somebody with such a circuit, please let me know.
Best Regards,
The reply was gone before I finished ...
The reason why I'm not going for Bluetooth is that not everybody has a bluetooth enabled cellphone, and this application must be accesible from the most sofisticated cellphone to the heaviest brickphone, with little explanation to do to the end user (read KISS).
A disadvantage of the setup is that you still rely on a provider, and without contract you get kicked from the network as soon as your prepaid conditions expire.
Best Regards,