hexcrawler's legs wont move
Hi every one i am new so i might sound weird.
My hexcrawler's legs won’t budge even though they have power to them. The BOE and PSC are communicating but nothing moves when i run a program.
Do any of you have any ideas as to what could be causing that?
······ Thanks
····· Taylor
My hexcrawler's legs won’t budge even though they have power to them. The BOE and PSC are communicating but nothing moves when i run a program.
Do any of you have any ideas as to what could be causing that?
······ Thanks
····· Taylor
- Stephen
Thanks Mr. Stephan,
- Stephen
I had similar issues when I attempted to get my quad crawler moving.· It may be a mechanical problem.· Are your connections at all joint locations loose enough to allow for leg movement?· This would be my first consideration.· If the bolts are too tight, you'll burn your electronics out for sure.
That never accrued to me. But yes my joints are loose enough to move.
Sorry I am not that familiar with Crustcrawlers - I have Lynxmotion's walkers. If your hexcrawler's board has jumpers that are used for different set ups like Lynxmotion crawlers do, you might want to check your jumper settings.
PULSOUT 12, 750
Sorry I can't be of more assistance. Have you not been able to get any assistance from Crustcrawler with your problem?
thanks for the code.