Multi-Accelerometer data to Memory Stick Datalogger
I apologize in advance for this post. I’m a mechanical engineer jumping into electrical stuff. So you’ll probably have to use small words[noparse]:)[/noparse] After reading a few posts on this subject I get the feeling I’m in over my head.
What I want to do is write XYZ data from 3 accelerometers as fast as I can to the Parallax Memory Stick Datalogger. (By ‘fast’ I’m looking for at least 8 reads per second but I’ll take what I can get to start)
I have (1)BS2, (6)SX (not very familiar with these), (2) 3-axis and (1) 2-axis accelerometers and a number of other goodies from the Parallax candy store (oscilloscope, compass, etc.).
With BS2 stamp, Memory Stick Datalogger and accelerometers I’ve used the test programs to verify all are working and are wired correctly. My problem is the output to the Datalogger. From “DataloggerDemoV1.0.bs2” and “DataloggerTestV1.0.bs2” test programs, with lines such as:
SEROUT TX\CTS, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$08, $20, $00, $00, $00, $0D, CR,
DEC5 counter, ",", DEC5 result, CR, LF, CR]
I’m stuck with 10 or less character or numbers per write. So I can get the following out correctly:
But what I really want is something like the following all at one time:
Is this possible or is there some limitation due to Baud rate or something like that? If this is a limitation is there a common compression scheme?
I was able to use two SEROUT commands to get one accelerometer output in the format I show above. But with the delay between the SEROUTs I’m loosing the accuracy I wanted. So I would like to stay away from that.
And I’m open to other output methods and even other chips if you think it is appropriate. Maybe the spin chips with one CPU per accelerometer then another CPU to write?
What I want to do is write XYZ data from 3 accelerometers as fast as I can to the Parallax Memory Stick Datalogger. (By ‘fast’ I’m looking for at least 8 reads per second but I’ll take what I can get to start)
I have (1)BS2, (6)SX (not very familiar with these), (2) 3-axis and (1) 2-axis accelerometers and a number of other goodies from the Parallax candy store (oscilloscope, compass, etc.).
With BS2 stamp, Memory Stick Datalogger and accelerometers I’ve used the test programs to verify all are working and are wired correctly. My problem is the output to the Datalogger. From “DataloggerDemoV1.0.bs2” and “DataloggerTestV1.0.bs2” test programs, with lines such as:
SEROUT TX\CTS, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$08, $20, $00, $00, $00, $0D, CR,
DEC5 counter, ",", DEC5 result, CR, LF, CR]
I’m stuck with 10 or less character or numbers per write. So I can get the following out correctly:
But what I really want is something like the following all at one time:
Is this possible or is there some limitation due to Baud rate or something like that? If this is a limitation is there a common compression scheme?
I was able to use two SEROUT commands to get one accelerometer output in the format I show above. But with the delay between the SEROUTs I’m loosing the accuracy I wanted. So I would like to stay away from that.
And I’m open to other output methods and even other chips if you think it is appropriate. Maybe the spin chips with one CPU per accelerometer then another CPU to write?
Heres an example
SEROUT TX\CTS, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$08, $20, $00, $00, $00, $22, CR, "Acel_1 ",DEC3 A1,",","Acel_2 ",DEC3 A2,",","Acel_3 ",DEC3 A3,CR, LF, CR]
I changed the $0D to $22 (34) because thats how many bytes I will be sending (including the spaces·at the end of·the strings)
Hope I counted right but it gives you the idea
Jeff T.
EDIT One thought that will help increase the speed of you data collection. If you write the headers Acel1 , Acel2 and Acel3 just once on initialisation and format so the data falls below each respective header you will more than double your write speed
Post Edited (Unsoundcode) : 9/9/2007 5:36:19 PM GMT
Have a good weekend.
Your post is interesting - I was playing with a two axis accelerometer yesterday. I was writing to the internal EEprom on a BS2sw at 10 readings a second. Reading 3 axis to a memory stick should be do-able
The reading of the accelerometer isn't the problem because you're looking for 3 pulses. Lets say the worst case is the microcontroller misses the 1st pulse of each read and therefore you need 9 milliseconds to read G-force in every 100 milliseconds (assuming 10 read/writes a second). You have 91 milliseconds to write these 3 words (6 bytes) to your memory stick. There’s no information of how fast the Memory Stick Logger device writes to the stick but I would think it’s going to be at least one order of magnitude faster than writing to the slow EEprom on the chip.
You did say only 8 times a second… didn’t you?
Good luck and Kind Regards from Kwa Dukuza in Darkest Africa.
John Bond
Jeff T.
with the "B" being blocks when I look at it in notepad. I think they are carriage returns. It should have written:
So I'm not sure what the problem is but I'll keep in mind the possible 30 byte issue. I'm just past that amount.
Thanks guys, good information. I'll get back to it this weekend. The problem could be in the in the Get_Data: shown below but I'm guessing based on my limited understanding. Full code as it is, and still a work in progress, is attached "accel_2c_USB.bs2" if anyone wants to look.
index = 0 ' Reset Index Pointer
DO ' Receive Data
SERIN RX\RTS, Baud, 100, Timeout, [noparse][[/noparse]ioByte]
buffer(index) = ioByte ' Add Received Byte To Buffer
index = index + 1 ' Increment Index Pointer
IF index > 14 THEN Timeout ' Check For Overflow
I noticed you had 1E (30) in part of your code which, if I counted right, should be 1D (29). The final CR of the SEROUT is part of the command and not data to write.
hope this helps
Jeff T.
I'll take a look at the link tomorrow.
Thanks for that "heads up" on flow control. I may use the same device.
index = 0 ' Reset Index Pointer
DO ' Receive Data
SERIN RX\RTS, Baud, 500, Timeout, [noparse][[/noparse]ioByte]
buffer(index) = ioByte ' Add Received Byte To Buffer
index = index + 1 ' Increment Index Pointer
IF index > 14 THEN overrun ' Check For Overflow was > 14
Another interesting bit was voltage or power issues. I was using a 2 cell LiPo going through a voltage regulator. As the voltage dropped off I got more and more timeouts from the above SERIN. On my voltmeter, going through the BS2 regulator it reads 4.98 volts with a good source like a 9V battery. When the Vdd to Vss dropped below 4.71 the USB recorder got flaky. Something to keep in mind.
I am now able to get one accelerometer output to a USB but I'm only getting 2 writes per second due to timeouts. As I get the efficiency of he code worked out I'll post it for those that are interested.
I don't think·that is particularly·good practice but it was ok for tests and easy to·put the error checks·in at a later date.
I modified one of my test programs to write the data string in your example. I didn't include variables just the test string. I was able to write the data in excess of 10 times a second.
You are welcome to try it if you want. I used Pin 0 as the Stamp receive line and Pin 1 as the transmit, CTS was connected to VSS and RTS was left not connected.
When you have all the wires hooked up power up and download the program. At the prompt for a file name insert the memory stick and wait for the logger to finish examining·it. Type a file name and it should go. The program is configured to write at 19200 (which it will), to change this to 9600 comment out GOSUB changebaud and change the constant baud CON 32 to baud CON 84. The debug screen is best run full screen.
You will see I split the CR,LF from the main string into its own write sequence, I was getting errors sending as one, not sure why.
Jeff T.
EDIT Ok I did find the reason for some of the errors I was getting. I was flip flopping between two memory sticks a PNY 1G and a Lexar 64Mb. The PNY would give me errors at times where the Lexar ran fine.
Post Edited (Unsoundcode) : 9/18/2007 3:20:30 AM GMT
Thanks for your efforts. In using your program I found the main USB stick I was using would not work at all. So I used another one and had some luck. This new stick seems to work most of the time. So I cleaned it off and re-formated it. Then the results got very spotty. I tried both FAT and FAT32. No real help.
Is there maybe another format that works better for this. Maybe a hidden file? I know I'm reaching.
Is it possible the USB logger has some type of buffer we need to clear. In the test files like "DataloggerTestV1.0.bs2" in the SERIN, is pulling the information out clearing this some how:
timeout = 1 ' Set Timeout Indicator Flag
index = 0 ' Initialize Index
DO WHILE (timeout > 0) ' While Timeout Has Not Occurred
ioByte = 0 ' Clear Temporary Storage
SERIN RX\RTS, Baud, 100, No_Data, [noparse][[/noparse]ioByte]
buffer(index) = ioByte ' Save Byte Received To Array
index = index + 1 ' Increment Index
IF (index > 14) THEN ' Check For Overflow
index = 14 ' Prevent Overflow
Using bits of these test files works with all my USB sticks but the byte array for the ioByte is taking too much room.
Another kind of funny thing I found was when watching the voltage when I unplug the system it takes a long time to settle. Maybe 30 seconds or so to drop below 0.1 volts with a very smooth exponential decay. Like it has a real big capacitor. Probably means nothing but I thought it worth mentioning.
In case someone else follows along this path, to get any real write speed from the test program I disable the GOSUB Get_Serial_Bytes: above for writing data. This speeds things up considerably. It is fairly reliable the first few times through but falls apart if you stop the program and start again. Again, I think its a buffer issue.
Thanks again Jeff,
With the example program I am writing over 5000-5500 bytes in around 14 seconds at 9600. I guess it could be a memory stick issue, that is the only problem I have had.
sorry the example didn't work for you
Little different tactic on the same subject. The ability to send data to a USB stick is a little to valuable for me to let go of. I see two paths:
1) Can I pay someone to look into this? They would either need to solve the 'buffer' problem (I think I'm having) or find a good combination of code and USB stick that would get me what I want, namely a minimum of 10 writes per second of the size I'm using. Even when I got your code working with a Baud of 19200 maybe it was 10 writes per second but I doubt it. Seemed a lot slower (i.e. I don't think I was seeing what you were seeing or maybe I drink too much coffee). So a shorter question, is there an avenue to pay for someone to do this type of work? Someplace in the $100 or $200 doesn't bother me but much more and I would have to think more about it.
2) The other path is to have a dedicated chip to act as a buffer to write to the USB using the test type code. So one chip to get the accelerometer data or whatever, then send out the data via hard line, IR or RF to another chip that would only send data to the USB data logger. Given I already have a number of SX chips this is probably the cheapest route but adds more complexity in both hardware and code.
I will certainly persevere and see if I can get some more acurate timing on the data. Like I said earlier the speed is going to be improved if you only send the string header once and place the data in order below it. Which if you are using Excel is really what you want anyway with a CSV file. Is this an option??
Actually yesterday I was playing with the Acceleration code adding in the error checking I mentioned, keep plugging away
And yes, I have been writing just a header once then sending the data in a separate SEROUT. With this, and bits from the demo code it does fairly well. Both speed and repeatability are good. Problem is it takes so much memory I can't do much more. Ideally I want two accelerometers a clock and a compass. Probably just too much to ask for.
Again, I appreciate your efforts. I need to put what I had working before back together for a demo today. So I will not get back to anything original until late today. Don't spend too much time on it if you have other fun stuff to do.
Don't want to bug you but this might help... or hurt. Attached is a zip file (hopefully) with pictures of my setup, debug window, resulting files and my program. The program is a mess and hard to follow with lots of debug statement. I also left in the slower Get_Data for the accelerometer write. And I'm also not getting the reference voltage for the accelerometer so the results are pretty much junk. The program has been very reliable though.
Also, I use a switch to in PIN 5 to tell the program when to write and when to stop. So you'll see a ..1..2..3 in the debug. This is a pause mode before sleeping if I want to make a new file and write some more.
Again, a mess but might help.
So the results of the tests are focused around the Lexar using a BS2. I repeatedly ran 200 samples of data each sample had 17 bytes including commas CR and LF. I repeated tests at 4800,9600,19200 and 38400. With the best that I got the difference in write speed between 9600 and 38400 was only approximately 1.5 samples per second. At 38400 the average was 5.5 samples per second. For test purposes I was reading the data from EEPROM, obviously the time it takes to read your data source is going to have an effect on the write times.
You may be able to improve on this, I think finding the right memory stick is certainly the place to start.
Jeff T.
Failing that I'm going to give the 433MHz RF transmitter/receiver a try.
My last post wasn't worded right, the way I gathered the samples from EEPROM was·to read·3 axis from 1 "virtual" accelerometer at a time and then·write.·So it was not 200 samples that I wrote it was 3x200 writes plus a CR LF every 3 writes. Which totals 800 writes. The reason I did it that way was to conserve variable space by using the same 3 variables for each axis.
I optimized by removing the string array I was using for the text file name and re-allocating·the variable space·to the three accelerometers ( a total of 9 word values ).Now each accelerometer axis has its own dedicated variable.· Writing is reduced to a total of 200 times·x 46 bytes (data + commas + CR + LF).
I am now back to 10 writes a second at 9600 without a single error. You are going to lose some of that·when you read the data from the accelerometers and a little more if you use a time stamp but it might still fall within your expectations.
Even then I think you ought to be able to get over 5 or 6 writes a second. This figure would improve with a Propellor but if your memory stick is flaky it's not going to help whichever processor you use.
Jeff T.
So next experiment was to get another flash drive. The smallest I could find and not be PNY was SONY at 1GB and $25. This never worked. It did write the name of the file I used twice, not in order of attempt, but never any information.
I suggest you keep your lucky USB stick in a safe place. I'll see if I can round up some old ones from some friends and try those. But I've spend too much time on this so I'm going to try the RF route.
Wile testing both of these sticks I tried some experiments with waiting before giving the name and leaving the unit powered off for a few minutes before attempts. See if that voltage drop off was an issue. Didn't seem to make a difference.
If I learning anything more I'll post it but otherwise I'm done for now. If I get up to having a dedicated chip to use the 'long' program I'll post that too.
Thanks again Jeff. You were a great help in co-testing.
To alter the allocation size you have to go to Control Panel---Administrive Tools---Computer Management. Right click your Flash Drive and select Format, from the options you see select File System=·Fat32 and Allocation Unit Size=512
I know you are thinking of taking another path now but if this works for your flash drives it is something to bear in mind for future reference. Since I have formatted in this way my errors have stopped.
Jeff T.
Another friend found a number of other USB options from As I do want this capability, I just don't have time keep playing with the one I have, I'll look into these later (after I test your idea above).
BTW - I got the my BS2 to ping my SX via the 433MHz transmitter/receiver last night. Hopefully today I can do a data transfer test. Very exciting.
I also brought the test program more in line with your data so I have attached the version 2
Jeff T.
Having a little free time today I took a look at how the variable space might be utilized for your program. I don't have a clue about accelerometers but I tried to assess the method you were using and came up with a subroutine that iterated the axis, assigned the values to a 9 word array and writes them to file. If the data needs some kind of conversion and you needed additional variables I think it is possible to gain another 3 to 5 bytes. You would gain these bytes by making the file name a constant string value or limiting the file name to a 2 character variable string.
I attached version 3 with a couple of ideas that might help
Jeff T.