RS232 Comunication with PC Question
Hello all,
I was wondering if the BS2px can communicate via the DB9 connector for data communications between the stamp and the PC. What I would like to do is take the Serial commands that RoboRealm sends and use that data to allow the stamp to control the servo controller. RoboRealm is a free machine vision software program that can track objects using a color camera. The problem is that although RoboRealm can send servo commands to a servo controller to make it move in response to the video (like a pan and tilt servo) the servo controller it self has no decision making abilities.
My goal is to first be able to receive data from RoboRealm, it would most likely be servo move commands, and have the Stamp send commands to the servo controller rather than directly from RoboRealm. This would allow the servo controller to make the bot walk while at the same time control a camera servo with the ability to adapt to the changing video data. I want RoboRealm to go from the PC to the Stamp to the Servo Controller and not directly from the PC to the servo controller.
I was wondering if the BS2px can communicate via the DB9 connector for data communications between the stamp and the PC. What I would like to do is take the Serial commands that RoboRealm sends and use that data to allow the stamp to control the servo controller. RoboRealm is a free machine vision software program that can track objects using a color camera. The problem is that although RoboRealm can send servo commands to a servo controller to make it move in response to the video (like a pan and tilt servo) the servo controller it self has no decision making abilities.
My goal is to first be able to receive data from RoboRealm, it would most likely be servo move commands, and have the Stamp send commands to the servo controller rather than directly from RoboRealm. This would allow the servo controller to make the bot walk while at the same time control a camera servo with the ability to adapt to the changing video data. I want RoboRealm to go from the PC to the Stamp to the Servo Controller and not directly from the PC to the servo controller.
Jeff T.