Scribbler drivers on website?
I can not get my Scribbler robot to communicate with my computer - and the instructions say
to install a driver from the included cd - though I don't recall getting such a cd, I just downloaded
all the files.· Are these drivers available at the website anywhere? I can't seem to find them.
(they would be for my FT 232R USB UART driver, I believe. I jsutdidn't want to wait until Monday to hear back from parallaz support, if possible. Thanks for any ideas (or feel free to mail me such a driver, I suppose?!) )
to install a driver from the included cd - though I don't recall getting such a cd, I just downloaded
all the files.· Are these drivers available at the website anywhere? I can't seem to find them.
(they would be for my FT 232R USB UART driver, I believe. I jsutdidn't want to wait until Monday to hear back from parallaz support, if possible. Thanks for any ideas (or feel free to mail me such a driver, I suppose?!) )
Everything for the Scribbler (Software, Demo programs, etc.) is on this link -
If it is the compatable USB drivers you are looking for - it is on the Parallax site here -
Hope this helps. If not let me know.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Post Edited (Whit) : 9/9/2007 1:32:45 AM GMT