Passive PING mode?
Does anyone know if it is possible to receive·PING signals without sending a signal out?·
Say for example, hypothetically speaking of course,·someone built a robot with a multi-suction dart launcher and he wanted the robot to launch darts at another robot if it PINGed his robot.
· Would it be possible to detect the other robots PING signal?
Say for example, hypothetically speaking of course,·someone built a robot with a multi-suction dart launcher and he wanted the robot to launch darts at another robot if it PINGed his robot.

In any event, a 'ping' sensor has an on-board 'pic' chip, which produces the 'pulse' which the BS2 measures using PULSIN. There's nothing in a 'ping' sensor that would let you use it as a 'passive' device. There are some other ultrasonic devices which you might use for this purpose -- but again, the BS2 probably doesn't have enough 'speed' horsepower to measure the differences in arrival times that would let you figure out bearing.
- Stephen
A complex design is the sign of an inferior designer. - Jamie Hyneman, Myth Buster
I have an ARobot from Arrick Robotis with double decks that I am mounting the dart launcher on top of. I am getting a turntable from Lynxmotion that launcher will be mounted on and then I will mount the turntable mount to the top deck. The ARobot has an extra DC motor connection so I can just plug the launchers connector in and control firing through the coprocessor. My ARobot is called Turtle_Bot because the top deck is painted like a turtle shell. Once the dart launcher is installed, it will become Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtle_Bot. My sons think its pretty cool!
k4shf - darts are never to be used in anger, only in self defense