measuring small light intensity - around 0.01 lux
Is there any design by using Basic Stamp that uses sensor that capable of measuring light intensity around 0.01lux? I'm using this circuit to measure the level of backscattering light by using fiber optic cable.
Thank You
Is there any design by using Basic Stamp that uses sensor that capable of measuring light intensity around 0.01lux? I'm using this circuit to measure the level of backscattering light by using fiber optic cable.
Thank You
According to the datasheet it can measure down to 0.001 uWatt/cm^2
The first rule to being successful is "Learn from your mistakes",
The second rule is "Be willing to make mistakes"
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- Stephen
·····1 lux = 1 lumen/m2 = 1.464mW/m2 = 1464µW/m2 = .1464µW/cm2
So 0.01 lux = .001464µW/cm2. This amount of light, by the way, is equivalent to what you'd get from a quarter moon. It's not much.*
TAOS has a high-sensitivity light-to-voltage sensor, the TSL257, that touts a 1.58V/(µW/cm2) response. For green light at 0.01 lux, this would put you in the millivolt range, barely above the '257's 200µV RMS noise floor.
Another option is the TSL237 light-to-frequency sensor, which has a somewhat higher sensitivity than the TSL230.
In any event, I'd give TAOS a call (972-673-0759) to see if they have any suggestions.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 9/5/2007 6:25:35 AM GMT
Tracy Allen
- Stephen
Tracy Allen
- Stephen