Prop II maybe Prop III ??

Sorry my bad English but I have 2 Questions / Suggestion
Look pictures !!
More crazy suggestion’s to next generation “Propeller chip”
It is customers that buy this chip so giv him good product.
Post Edited (Sapieha) : 9/8/2007 11:10:11 PM GMT
Look pictures !!
More crazy suggestion’s to next generation “Propeller chip”
It is customers that buy this chip so giv him good product.
Post Edited (Sapieha) : 9/8/2007 11:10:11 PM GMT
In Shift Reg's.jpg - Sys clok /X else PLL *X
It speech for it self (Versalite Serie Communikation)
Can you ask in some other language: The people here speak German, Dutch, Spanish and even more languages and can most likely translate.
Du har skrivit att jag kan skriva i en annan spr
I don't read Swedish... so I put your text into an online translator. Here is the result:
hi Mr. design You have clerical error that self able write in an other language. Problem with Propeler Tools 1.05.5 am exposing themselves on two ulika s
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
O dear! Back-changing the text to our common Germanic roots and adding the German vowel shifts gives a much clearer idea what he wants than this!!!
But I like the piece: "Mr. Design"
What I now understand is that you made a suggestion to add a fast internally clocked SHIFT-IN and SHIFT-OUT logic
My personal opinion is this:
(a) You can easily use the Video Logic for "shift-out"
(b) "shift-in" is something many have already missed, for reading video signals or a fast serial protocol generated by another Propeller, or for just simplifying the code of slow seriel protocols. It will improve the serial SPIN drivers considerably!
Regarding machine code in the COG: As you have to use the input data somehow, which will take - say - 50 ticks on the current Propeller = 620 ns. Shifting-in 32 bits can be done by 20 ns/Bit = 50 MHz at most.
(c) Though it is not in the "spirit" of the Propeller to add "specific silicon" I should suport your request!
Post Edited (deSilva) : 9/4/2007 7:30:46 AM GMT
Wy nie jesteście pierwsza osoba pytać o ten (to). Z nadzieją *Parallax* będzie dodawać ten (to) *functionality* do następnej wersji *Propeller* Narzędzie (obrabiać[noparse];)[/noparse].
Yes. It is my suggestion to add a fast internally clocked SHIFT-IN and SHIFT-OUT logic.
It is only one suggestion to very fast seriel comunikation Prop-Master to Prop-Slave and much more bat only if it have variation in length (4 to 32 bits in waitShift IN-OUT flag test)
Regarding machine code in the COG: As you have to use the input data somehow, which will take - say - 50 ticks on the current Propeller = 620 ns. Shifting-in 32 bits can be done by 20 ns/Bit = 50 MHz at most
Bat You mising PLL funktion in my suggestion (Sys Clock * X ) = (80MHz*X) On maybe 2 ticks on the current Propeller for Shifting-in 32 bits
The problem is not the clock speed but the processing. Just shifting data in is - as the Americans say (do they?) - "pissing in the wind"
Of course, the "word-length" of the signal is also very important and must be flexible; this is when the instruction stops, or - even better - it should be arranged in the same way as the Video Logic: Waiting only at the following SHIFTIN instruction.
Oh well, this is nasty. You have to know or course, when the SHIFTIN has completed to process the word.
Polling it is way to slow. (2 instructions!) And how? A new flag? Shudder! But blocking the instruction flow is no good either....
Look at this Thread:
in posting number 10, you can find a little tool, that solves your problem with the bluetooth device.
| To know recursion, you must first know recursion.
out channel# data
and then
in channel# data
a separate definition table defines the linking of the channels. and it will not make a difference, if the cogs are located in separated chips!
will the dark days twindle?
However D-Link is not only problem.
If I start my "second" programs it is same problem but bluetooth device is not in computer.
However Com port is not blocked, if it is blocked by my "second program" Propeler tools funktions OK! and talking "Com port not accessible"
It was only basically idea.
But have many capabilites.
It is my suggestion but I think BOTH Setings maybe.
One people want have AUTO and other manually.
I'm sure you'll agree !!
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
I plan to use bluetooth device in my construktion. I can disable it but dis is wrong way.
Only way I accept is one more option in Propeler Tool – RUN – Yow have now.
1. Compile Curent
2. Compile Top
3. Identify Hardware
Give me one option
4. Manual Port Seting
Ps. Paul I can’t help language barrier. I have never teach English i school and Forum is my forst attempt to writing in English. Sorry
Post Edited (Sapieha) : 9/5/2007 11:24:02 PM GMT
We are familiar with the problems bluetooth devices have with the Propeller Tool. The amusing thing is that it use to work with bluetooth devices much better, but we had so many requests to support USB to Serial adapters that do not follow the standard protocol for registration, that when we made it so they would work, the bluetooth devices started causing problems. At some point we will have a solution to the problem, but the guy who does the coding for it has been so busy with other responsibilities he hasn't had much time to work with the Tool for a while now. But we will get to the problem.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 9/5/2007 11:31:55 PM GMT
Thanks for replay.
I understand.
If I can manually set up Propeller Tool to ComPort I will have then I have no problem !!
Have you tried out, the PropUp Tool (I have posted the link before in this Thread) ?
You can manually set 4 COM ports to 4 different Propellers. If you upload the code with this Tool, there will be no Search on the COM ports, it only uses the defined Port number.
This tool is OK but will have control over Program, no program control my.
I will completely stop Auto search. I have other program’s in my computer whom still have problem with Auto serch.
Ps. In Sweden spoken we ”I living in free country and nothing have power over my”
Post Edited (Sapieha) : 9/6/2007 12:22:33 AM GMT