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BS1 Firefly effect question — Parallax Forums

BS1 Firefly effect question

haunteddansionhaunteddansion Posts: 68
edited 2007-09-03 22:47 in BASIC Stamp
Hi I am using this code to make an effect and cannot for the life of me figure out how to make it work when I trigger pin 7, and only cycle for seconds then wait again until it it triggered. I have spent much time trying to make this work with no success. What would the code look like? The code I am usin is just below this paragraph. Thanks soo much!

[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]

SYMBOL lottery = W1 ' random value
SYMBOL timer = W2
SYMBOL oldFlies = B6 ' flies that have lit
SYMBOL flyNum = B7
SYMBOL mask = B8
SYMBOL test = B9
SYMBOL idx = B10
SYMBOL lastFly = B11

[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]

EEPROM (%000001, %000010, %000100, %001000, %010000, %100000)

[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]

DIRS = %00111111 ' make P0-P5 outputs
lottery = 1031 ' seed random value

[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]

FOR idx = 1 TO 3 ' tumble random generator
RANDOM lottery
flyNum = lottery // 6 ' select "fly" (0 to 5)
IF flyNum = lastFly THEN Main ' no repeats
lastFly = flyNum ' save current fly
READ flyNum, mask ' get its bit position
test = mask & oldFlies ' check in "oldFlies"
IF test > 0 THEN Main ' if not 0, already lit

GOSUB Fade_On ' activate fly
timer = lottery // 251 + 250 ' 250 - 500 ms delay
PAUSE timer
GOSUB Fade_Off ' deactivate

timer = lottery / 32 ' delay between flies
PAUSE timer

oldFlies = oldFlies | mask ' mark this fly
IF oldFlies <> %111111 THEN Main ' still more?
oldFlies = %000000 ' no, reset

[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]

timer = lottery / 16 // 5 + 1 ' randomize brighten time
FOR idx = 0 TO 255 STEP 15 ' sweep from off to on
PWM flyNum, idx, timer ' brighten the output
HIGH flyNum ' leave the output on

timer = lottery / 32 // 5 + 1 ' randomize fade time
FOR idx = 255 TO 0 STEP -15
PWM flyNum, idx, timer ' dim the output
LOW flyNum ' leave the output off


  • TechnoRobboTechnoRobbo Posts: 323
    edited 2007-09-02 02:06
    Is this what you mean?

    new variable:

    Symbol Countdown = B0

    if PIN7=0 then PreMain

    ............................. of your·Main Code goes here

    if Countdown=0 then PreMain

    GOTO Main
    ... your subroutines go here

    Have Fun

  • Vern GranerVern Graner Posts: 337
    edited 2007-09-03 22:47
    haunteddansion said...
    Hi I am using this code to make an effect and cannot for the life of me figure out how to make it work

    There are examples on how to do a firefly simulation over onthe EFX-TEK forums here:

    and here:

    Source code for the BS1, schematics and even pictures are there. [noparse]:)[/noparse]


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