RFID reader and erronious reads
We are using the Parallax RFID reader and the 1" round sticker RFID tags to track insertions on optical loopbacks. The reader everynow and then will pickup a reading eventhough there isn't a RFID tag around. I am using a PIC controller and then serial out to a PROP plug to do the serial/USB conversion. I have error checking to an online database so I know that these erronious reads are not in the database but is this something that other RFID users are seeing? This is a rev 1 RFID reader if that matters. I·have plenty of decoupling caps throught the circuit and at every IC.
He who dies with the most toys wins!
He who dies with the most toys wins!
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
He who dies with the most toys wins!
extraneous noise as a tag. If you are using a look-up table· to
compare the readings to a valid list of tags, they should just be able to
ignore any of the invalid readings generated from noise. Basically, chiming when
there is an invalid tag is not very practical due to the spurious/noisy
readings that may occur (this is an artifact of any RF system).
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·