Motor Mind B - Please Help...
Everything has been working fine for months now, but now both motors are not moving. I have dbl-checked all the wires, here is code that I have been using. I don't know what I did...When you send a command to the MMB, the green lights blink, the motors sound like that they are about to move you can here the gears, but they don't. It feels like the MMB got a command to move and then stop...I've connected a 12v directly to the motors to make sure that they run and they do...I ran the read status code, and got 0 and 0 for status and duty cycle...
LeftMotor· PIN· 10
RightMotor PIN· 11
SEROUT LeftMotor,396,[noparse][[/noparse]$55,$88,$7F]
SEROUT RightMotor,396,[noparse][[/noparse]$55,$88,$7F]
LeftMotor· PIN· 10
RightMotor PIN· 11
SEROUT LeftMotor,396,[noparse][[/noparse]$55,$88,$7F]
SEROUT RightMotor,396,[noparse][[/noparse]$55,$88,$7F]
Change any wiring between now and the last time it ran?
Do you have a scope or DVM to check the signals to motors?
Grounds connected?
Seperate power supplies for the motor and logic? If so, is the motor power supply fully charged?
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
I don't know the MMB very well, but perhaps there's a configuration command stored in the device's memory that's causing the problem. You should be able to clear the memory with a new set of commands. It's probably best to get out the documentation and start from the beginning. Check the documentation for what it says about connecting the break pin. If batteries are fully charged and connections are correct, I imagine the issue lies with the MMB communication.
Ken Gracey