Parallax Humanoid?
Anyone know if parallax is ever going to come out with a humanoid kit?
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They should get joe grand to make a humanoid there next project. Hell if the did I would sure pre order
I really wonder if the Kondo, Hitec guys have recovered enough of their investment at this point.
But·we may even get into human cloning around here before we get into humanoids.·. . a bit short-staffed on the engineering and manufacturing side of things again. . .
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Ken Gracey (Parallax)) : 8/24/2007 2:33:22 PM GMT
Post Edited (walice_drel) : 8/26/2007 8:03:25 PM GMT
Not very polite, dude.
Plus, I could have sworn "Hitec" was a Japanese company, no?
Edit:· A little quick googling show the "Robonova" to be a product of LynxMotion (· A complete kit costs $1,000 -- a little beyond the budget of most BS2'ers.· With remote included, it's $1,200.
Thanks for the reference, it's a nice little package, if expensive.
Post Edited (allanlane5) : 8/24/2007 5:16:44 PM GMT
Its not a lynxmotion product they just happen to be one of the many vendors that carry them, Hitec a servo company makes them. You can get them for $949 (full kit with remote)
at lots of different places like tossen robotics.
- Stephen
My guess is because Parallax is an 'Enabler' comapny. They give us the tools(Penguin/Toddler/BoeBot, servocontrollers, BSII/Propeller) and points us in the right direction, expecting us to 'go forth and innovate'...
Don't visit my new website...
There is another robot coming from us shortly, however. It's a really big, hydraulic robot that costs $5,000. Speaking of "enabling" as Gadgetman says, this one will enable you to cross a field, damage a moving car or even people if you are not careful, and navigate by GPS. We expect to sell only a few units per month. We aren't making this particular robot for income, but simply to make another unique product available to our customers.
Today we had four Japanese professors in our office. They teach robotics at Shizouka University. Though they live in the land of humanoids, it's the simple stuff which really impresses them.
Ken Gracey
But I cannot find any info about it other than what is on the link I posted.
Has anyone tried to hack this yet ?
Teacher: What is the difference between ignorance and apathy ?
Student: I don't know and I don't care
Teacher: Correct !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Teacher: What is the difference between ignorance and apathy ?
Student: I don't know and I don't care
Teacher: Correct !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Post Edited (Bean (Hitt Consulting)) : 8/25/2007 12:06:10 PM GMT
Is there any info out on the new bot you guys are making and also can they be pre orderd? I always wanted to mess around with a hydraulic bot. It sounds really cool.
And I like better the idea of having general purpose brackets instead of having an humanoid body 'only'.
| To know recursion, you must first know recursion.
- Stephen
I think the comment inaki made was a suggestion to Parallax to start making robotic servos, would you not agree?
- Stephen
I have built many kind of robots and successful humanoids depend more than·any other kind·on well designed,·smart·servos.
Suppose Parallax announces it is selling some brackets with Robotis servos included.·Would it·be a true·maker of humanoids or a mere reseller ?
You should wait a couple of years before trying that Toys-R-Us robot. It clearly says: Age 10 and up. ;-D
- Stephen
Perhaps I should have said: 'I wish·Parallax would make a smart servo!'.
I was thinking more on the electronics part of a servo. Motors on servos have not evolved much. But the electronic part in smart servos have evolved a lot in recent years. I bet Parallax would make a very good servo brain.
By the way, I tried to put a Propeller inside an AX12 servo box and·I was unable to make·it·to fit inside. A mini Propeller would be great to have.
"Hitec - the Korean hobby electronics company that developed Robonova - has a good English language site that includes a list of their US online distributors plus robot retailers by state."
If you want a small fantastic affordable robot, take a look at the Parallax Penguin robot. This robot has so much capability and potential, it's mind boggling! It was recently released by Parallax, in a very modest way, with very good discount pricing. The engineering and design that went into this robot is very significant!
One of the great things about the Penguin robot is it can be programmed in the most advanced version of PBASIC and it uses the most powerful basic stamp microcontroller in the lineup (BS2px). I don't need to tell you what this means, but we know it's going to be a bright future for Penguins!
Just to name a few.
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The Penguin is a great little bot but a far cry from a humanoid.