Wanted tell you guys about my new Robot Project BOB...
using BS2 and a on-board computer, check out my website...I just got started...
I started with a boe-bot and about a year latter, it grew into this...
I started with a boe-bot and about a year latter, it grew into this...

Look forward to see your Bot growing.
Any ideas how you intend to keep track of the position of your Robot while he/she is wandering around in the house?
Good luck,
Post Edited (Skywalker49) : 8/23/2007 9:38:52 PM GMT
but yes, with the compass I'll know which way to go...Also, I'll use the camera to detect walls and doors and use image match...
the camera has a pan and tilt function on it, I was thinking about pining or taping small·bright color markers on the celling...
the imaging software is able to detect colors and gauge distance...by markers I mean small glossy reflector color stickers...
It will also have 3 ping sensors in the front...
I' ll keep an eye on this thread.
good luck,
Great site! I look forward to seeing more. Lots of progress in one year.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney