I'm modeling a test structure layout, as a favor to someone. I'm not a semiconductor expert --just creating the geometry according to the rules!
The target fab has asked for GSDII format file. Anyone know of free / trial ware translators for this?
It's a one time project, with a few masks to generate from DXF data.
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The target fab has asked for GSDII format file. Anyone know of free / trial ware translators for this?
It's a one time project, with a few masks to generate from DXF data.
Propeller Wiki: Share the coolness!
You might get better results if you search for "GDSII" or "GDS2" or "GDSii" rather than "GSDII" <- Note "S" and "D" are transposed.
Here is a section of Visual Basic code that I wrote that will Parse a GDSII file.... it shouldn't be too difficult to go the other way around.
I'm not familiar with how the DXF data is setup, so I wouldn't know exactly what it looks like or how to parse it.
There are also some free GDS2TXT and TXT2GDS converters out there that help make the GDSII file human readable that might work for you,
but basically for GDS2TXT conversions, they do what the VB code below does.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 8/22/2007 7:25:01 PM GMT
Learned a few things!
1. The polyline construct in DXF is very important. The system I am on, does not have this. This means some pre-processing of the file is required. I ended up using the following:
LinkCAD. They have a 5 day trial. If one needs to do some learning, I recommend putting this in a VM to allow for enough time to grok things.
The core idea is that polygons can be derived from connected lines, whose endpoints are within some small distance. Works well, given the DXF file is clean and only contains those entities that form the edges of the intended structures. LinkCAD will examine the file, looking for shared line endpoints, then build polygons from that.
This works nicely and gave me some before and after code. IMHO, this is a niche for somebody. That program is expensive for what it does. I'm kicking myself right now for not keeping some old CADKEY CADL code. It has a similar algorithm that could easily be modified to output the necessary polygons. To be fair, the LinkCAD program does a lot of different translations that are a lot more complex than what I'm doing. However, there is a lot of free / inexpensive software out there that will do DXF files nicely. Seems like a basic converter, that's stripped down, would open some doors for hobby people.
That's the only real barrier for elementary DXF files, composed of only lines. One that contains polylines would probably map right into the code Beau posted. If I end up doing this kind of thing again, it's worth some time spent on that problem. (worth about 1K) actually!
2. Verification of the final output is necessary to determine if the derived polygons are correct.
A program called Visual Chip Inspector can be had for a trial. It works just fine for verification.
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