SS relay w/ NC and NO terminals
Would the following schematic work as a solid-state relay as shown?· The ssr with NC/NO terminal that I have seen are pretty expensive.
PS- Sorry for the bad schematic, I don't have special software, so I used MS paint.
PS- Sorry for the bad schematic, I don't have special software, so I used MS paint.
LOOKDOWN ThisThread, [noparse][[/noparse]Your_?, My_?, Cool_Thing], looknum LOOKUP looknum, [noparse][[/noparse]1, 2, 3], subnum ON subnum GOTO Hope_this_helps, Thanks!, WOW!! END
If your input to your transistor is a pin from a chip, it is customary to put a resistor between the pin and the base of the transistor to protect the chip. A 220 ohm resistor would be common in most cases. It is un-clear what hardware you have and what you want your circuit to do....
Twisted Pair....
Update: My bad. My bad, bad, BAD! The original circuit is a great way to fry two optoisolators. Here's a better one. It's not perfect though. If the input is floating, both optos will be on.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 8/21/2007 5:25:04 AM GMT
If, in fact, you added an additional resistor to the Stamp pin, both optos would always be on. This is because the resistor would share current with the opto that's supposed to be off.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 8/21/2007 6:47:09 PM GMT