Implantable RFID chips!
Hi I have the project toImplant a Implantable RFID chips on my body for robotic use.
I want to Know if it's a good idea and what can i do whit a RFID chips. And what kind of RFID chips and RFID reader should I use?
And there is 2 type of ship: 125 KHz and 13.56 KHz what's the diference?
Here is some link:
Parallax RFID chips:
Trossenrobotics RFID chips:
Wiki page on RFID chips:
RFID Reader Module:
Sorry for my BASIC english ( It's not my native language: I speak french)
Post Edited (Ghostintherobot) : 8/20/2007 3:55:15 AM GMT
I want to Know if it's a good idea and what can i do whit a RFID chips. And what kind of RFID chips and RFID reader should I use?
And there is 2 type of ship: 125 KHz and 13.56 KHz what's the diference?
Here is some link:
Parallax RFID chips:
Trossenrobotics RFID chips:
Wiki page on RFID chips:
RFID Reader Module:
Sorry for my BASIC english ( It's not my native language: I speak french)
Post Edited (Ghostintherobot) : 8/20/2007 3:55:15 AM GMT
- Stephen
Sorry for my BASIC english ( It's not my native language: I speak french)
Sorry for my BASIC english ( It's not my native language: I speak french)
No marks to show, I guess... or just too easy. but it will be easy to replace the battery.
Fernando Gomez
Never compare yourself with anyone else, there will always be someone bigger·or·smaller·than you.
| To know recursion, you must first know recursion.
A better question might be "who" will do the implanting.· This is nothing short of a medical procedure.
It is likely for these reasons that others are reluctant to help you with "how".
Setting that foolishness aside, You may also be disapointed in the results even if you did manage to get it done.· The read distance with any tag that small is pertty short, and this may also limit "where" you could put the tag, and still read it.
You might want to search the forums for "biometrics".· I vaguely recall someone talking about finding a thumbprint scanner that could interface with a microprocessor.
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
good luck and keep us posted.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
In case you elect to take one of our RFID devices to a doctor and you talk him into an injection, count on everything going wrong. Know that our tags·are not approved for·such use, and that Parallax isn't responsible for anything you decide to do with our tags. Just for the record -·and I·don't like particularly care for attorney·tactics - here's our first legal exhibit.
Finally, those little tags have a short reception distance with our RFID reader. I don't even think they'll work through your skin. Would be a shame to go through all the hassle just to find out your project doesn't work. And this is a bad idea. Aside from being a discussion point for a cocktail party, it's probably useless except for personal uses. Cool, I guess so, but functional, no. People have done it anyway and you can find them on the internet.
Ken Gracey
Wear the ring, and you have the tag.
I never take my wedding band off (I don't even think I could now my fingers are larger than they used to be). So I guess my ring is just about as good as implanted.
Also I think the really small tags are glass. Just think what would happen if you got into a car accident and it broke. NOT FUN.
Teacher: What is the difference between ignorance and apathy ?
Student: I don't know and I don't care
Teacher: Correct !
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The tag in a ring seems a more reasonable approach!
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
But i saw on a forum that a LOT of person had a implant tag like this: and they say it work perfecly.(through the skin too
and they say that a percing profecional can make it for me.
That's why a profecional will sterilize it before injection and nobody need to know that i got a RRFID
and the Tag is usual implanted in the hand.
I dont want to be bad weed all of you weed this reply i just want to be sure that it's a realy a bad idea (because ild love to be taged)
Here is a Faq to RFID Tag implant
and a forum for
Sorry for my BASIC english ( It's not my native language: I speak french)
Post Edited (Ghostintherobot) : 8/20/2007 11:21:54 PM GMT
- Stephen
Some tagged
Quick HowTo
USB reader
Sorry for my BASIC english ( It's not my native language: I speak french)
Post Edited (Ghostintherobot) : 8/21/2007 4:52:11 AM GMT
And even the tag reader you gave the link for says the reading distance is like 3 CENTIMETERS.
Point being -- this stuff is NOT magic, it requires the tag to be put really-really close to the reader for it to work. Yes, it might be nice for your home automation system to read your RFID tag as you go through doors and always know where you are in the house. But the current RFID hardware does not support that application.
Peaple did implant it ant there is no problem
3cm is good
I know but it could be cool
Sorry for my BASIC english ( It's not my native language: I speak french)
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log