Propeller Ed Kit labs
I recently purchased the Propeller Education Kit because I saw the labs in the forums. I think the kit is great, and I like most of what I have seen for the labs, this is a great way to learn what the Propeller has to offer.
I know the labs are not a finished product yet, but after working the first lab I did find a few errors and one part that made no sense at all.
Does any one know when the final release for the labs will occur? I am also eager to hear what other lab subjects are planned.
I know the labs are not a finished product yet, but after working the first lab I did find a few errors and one part that made no sense at all.
Does any one know when the final release for the labs will occur? I am also eager to hear what other lab subjects are planned.
There are even discussions keyed to each specific lab.
Post Edited (Fred Hawkins) : 8/19/2007 4:29:40 AM GMT
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.