PSC control of HB-25 and victor 883
Hello everyone,
Does anyone know how to write code that would allow the PSC, or mini-SSC II, to control the parallax HB-25 or victor 883. I've used the PSC many times over the years to control servos, but never modified continuous rotation servos. I've been reading the BOE-BOT book and it seems easy. But, don't want to dedicate the BS2 pulsout command. It would give me more flexability to use a PSC or mini- SSC II.
I may be wrong. Can anybody help?
Does anyone know how to write code that would allow the PSC, or mini-SSC II, to control the parallax HB-25 or victor 883. I've used the PSC many times over the years to control servos, but never modified continuous rotation servos. I've been reading the BOE-BOT book and it seems easy. But, don't want to dedicate the BS2 pulsout command. It would give me more flexability to use a PSC or mini- SSC II.
I may be wrong. Can anybody help?

Edit:· If you post an example of how to make a servo stop and go one direction with the psc I can be more specific, but I don't have psc experience. (this might not be needed if you understand what I mean.)
Usually someone won’t want to use the PULSOUT command to control servos directly because of the refresh rate and time lost in it. In these cases off-loading the task of refreshing the servos onto an external controller is a good idea. But since the HB-25 does not require refreshing the time lost sending serial commands to the PSC could be saved by sending the pulses directly to the HB-25 only when a change is needed. There won’t really be any savings or benefit by using a servo controller to control it. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris,this is exactly what I wanted to do all along.My plan is to use microsoft robotic studio to operate my robot. I have a few BS2's lying around, so I have no problem dedicating a BS2 to the HB-25 or a victor 883. Since I am using these motor controllers for propulsion , within microsoft robotic studio, everything· works out.
Thank You