Pin conservation, sneaky modulating tricks?
I'm creating a game show buzzer, and have hit a hurdle in that I need more pins than I have available. I use 3 pins for the buzzers (1 each), 4 pins for LEDS to indicate status (player 1,2,3 buzzed, and buzzer ready). Status updates are sent to the computer via serout, so I need those pins too. Now I have 3 judge panels, with three buttons each (thus requiring 9 pins) that I need to read. Is there some quick and clever way to use one pin for the three buttons? Maybe some easy way to create an oscillating signal I can interpret?
If that won't work for you, use a 74HC165 serial shift register to expand the Stamp's input pin capability. There's a discuss of this and some programming examples in the StampWorks manual that you can download.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 8/16/2007 5:11:43 PM GMT
You could use the 74LS165 multiplexer chip to read up to 8 inputs with only 3 pins.
There are schematics and source code examples detailed in the Stamp Works article available on Parallax's web site here.
I used this with great success in my RoboSpinArt project. The 74ls165 reads four direction joystick switches and four pump activation switches.
There are 10 types of people in this world,...
Those that understand binary numbers, and those that don't!!!
3 chips will give you 24 inputs from 3 pins!
And while your at it get some 74HC595 and do the same with the outputs.
·Parallax sells them:
Have Fun
Post Edited (TechnoRobbo) : 8/19/2007 4:14:53 AM GMT
Have Fun
There's nothing like a new idea and a warm soldering iron.