DS1302-demo coding question
Posts: 174
Please HELP...
I have been spent some time with the propellor tutorial, and found it very helpful in learning "spin" basics.
I decided I would try working on an RTC application. I modifiied the object "DS1302-demo" to
produce an output via hyper terminal.· to my surprise it actually worked.
It produced the following display
current time is· 10:25:0
current date is 8:15:7
My question is what object and what code needs to be modified to display the leading zeros in the time and
date. I have searched the manual for a clue but was not successful. the program is attached
Also I am using a propstick, an would like to know if the 3.3v pin can be used to drive external components and
if it can, how many MA is acceptable.
Thank you in advance for any help.....
I have been spent some time with the propellor tutorial, and found it very helpful in learning "spin" basics.
I decided I would try working on an RTC application. I modifiied the object "DS1302-demo" to
produce an output via hyper terminal.· to my surprise it actually worked.
It produced the following display
current time is· 10:25:0
current date is 8:15:7
My question is what object and what code needs to be modified to display the leading zeros in the time and
date. I have searched the manual for a clue but was not successful. the program is attached
Also I am using a propstick, an would like to know if the 3.3v pin can be used to drive external components and
if it can, how many MA is acceptable.
Thank you in advance for any help.....
where val is the variable you are about to send (ie minute, year, etc).
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
I usually search the manual before posting but was not successful in this case.·
Also I am using a propstick, and would like to know if the 3.3v pin can be used to drive external components and
if it can, how many MA is acceptable.
If you started getting glitchy behavior when it worked before you are likely drawing too much current from it.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.