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video generation questions

GennadyGennady Posts: 34
edited 2007-08-23 17:48 in Propeller 1
2 questions related to video genaration:

1. Is there any way to figure out when VSU shift is over ?
2. After shift is finished, what are the levels on video output pins ? Are they the same as last pixel shifted out ?



  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,260
    edited 2007-08-14 01:19
    2. The video generator will take what is being processed and set levels accordingly. You get noise, unless you know what instruction is happening at that time.

    1. If you know your pixel timing, a counter will do this.

    Propeller Wiki: Share the coolness!
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-08-14 01:38
    I think that when the video generator is ready for the next set of data and it's not supplied, that whatever is present on the cog's internal destination and source busses is used (determined by the instruction being decoded). You have to shut down the video generator or keep feeding it.
  • GennadyGennady Posts: 34
    edited 2007-08-14 02:22
    So that is what I figured out from above:

    1. If I don't shut generator down, on the next shift I get a garbage on the output.

    Question: if I do shut it down, when does it take effect?

    Can I do it during the shift?·Will it finish the current shift or not? If it doesn't finish the shift, then I need exact timing to prevent noise.

    Also far as I understand, shutting VSU down will bring DA pins to input (floating) state. I can prevent it probably but setting these pins as outputs low in some other cog.

    And·if I turn VSU back on, I need to feed it.·What happens with outputs after I turn it on and before feeding data ?

    Unfortunately there is very little information on this level of details for video generator. So I really appreciate all the advices or insights on a subject.

  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-08-14 02:36
    Gennady, your questions are valid, but I doubt you will get exact answers, as they might be bound to design changes and are not much relevant for the primary purpose of a video generator.

    They can however be relevant when you use the video logic as a general purpose DAC (I shall post some code in the sequence of my assembly thread during the next days)

    I should propose you provoke the situations you described, have a look at your 'scope, and post the results smile.gif

    WRT to to pixel timing, Potatoehead was right: It is absolutely deterministic according your setting of VSCL. I know of no way to check "how far" the shifting process is from completion, as the pixel and color registers are transparent to the user and will only be loaded by the WAITVID instruction.
  • GennadyGennady Posts: 34
    edited 2007-08-14 04:11
    The only thing I accomplished so far is frying some io confused.gif
    Maybe it's just too late...
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-08-14 05:11
    Funny you say that.... For unclear reasons I also managed to damage an video I/O; it never happened with other pins..
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,260
    edited 2007-08-14 16:19
    Fried I/O's ?!?

    Ok, what did you guys do. I'm hammering the video generators hard right now, trying to get overlay to work on NTSC. Anything I should be watching for? Was it the scope probe, combinations of instructions? Curious minds want to know!

    I've changed the pin group used for I/O, while drawing video. I thought this happened instantly, but I've been having horizontal pixel sync problems. Didn't think about these kinds of things potentially happening. This may not work like I think it does. That aside, here is some code:

    :draw_pixels            rdlong  B, A    'get four pixels from hub
                            waitvid B, #%%3210  'draw them to screen  (four pixel mode, one byte per pixel)
                            movd    VCFG, #3 'direct video output to live pins  (This happens right at start of shifting)
                            add     A, #4    'point to next pixel group
                            djnz    r1, #:draw_pixels  'line done?
                            movd    VCFG, #2 'redirect video output to not-connected pins, thus suppressing sync, etc...  (This occurs mid shift, maybe mid pixel)

    The purpose of this code is to suppress video output for all but active video. It will be removed in final working driver. Did this originally to keep timing deterministic between the two COGs. So this COG is outputting video to the same pins as the main COG is. Didn't want two sets of sync, etc... on the pins at once. I've got timing loops done now, that essentially make one really long waitvid, and the SYNC waitvid can just be at level 0 and that's suppressed enough. While this is running, another COG is generating complete NTSC video on the same set of active pins. This was a quick test to see if video could be conditional, similar to what is being asked here.

    The only latch you've got is right after the shifter has been loaded with the next dataset to be shifted. It makes best sense then, if you want nice even blocks of pixels, to issue any controls for the video generator, right after a waitvid, before there is time to get started drawing pixels. The first movd happens right as the pixels are drawn to screen. I've had zero problems with this. Perfect pixels end up on the screen. This question brought the second movd VCFG to my attention however.

    I've not seen the last pixels from this generator! Was not really looking for them, but a quick check reveals they are not on screen.

    Your query tells me why now. The second movd VCFG moves the video output to the other pins mid shift! I've not seen a partial pixel. That could just be timing related.

    I'll have to move that second movd VCFG at some point, for my purposes. This behavior does suggest the VCFG is active while shifting. It's highly likely to respond to other requests too. What is not known yet is what can change and will it change mid pixel, just between pixels.

    I've got a small bit of time this morning. I'm gonna try a mid pixel pin change, because it's easy. If that works, and I see a partial pixel, then we know the register is active all the time and not latched somehow. That will leave only the question of which other things can be changed on the fly, while shifting.

    Never mind, just tried it!

    Here is the unchanged video bitmap drawing loop. It's a low resolution one, leaving plenty of time to play mid-pixel tricks. Horizontal pixel clock is 40 pixels.

    :draw_pixels            rdlong  B, A    'get four pixels from hub
                            waitvid B, #%%3210  'draw them to screen
                            add     A, #4    'point to next pixel group
                            djnz    r1, #:draw_pixels  'line done?

    Here is a modified one, to effect changes mid pixel. In this case, I just changed the pin group, because that's easy.

    :draw_pixels            rdlong  B, A    'get four pixels from hub
                            waitvid B, #%%3210  'draw them to screen
                            mov     OUTA, #0                ' light up debug LED
                            movd    VCFG, #2   'mid pixel VCFG change
                            movd    VCFG, #3    'back to active pins
                            add     A, #4    'point to next pixel group
                            djnz    r1, #:draw_pixels  'line done?

    I've attached the two resulting images, clearly showing no timing issues and VCFG change occuring mid-shift. My gut says the shifter is not latched then, meaning you can make changes while the shift is occuring. May not be true for all elements, but is at least true for pin i/o.

    The third picture is both video generators running on the same pins at the same time, not horizontally aligned just yet, which is what I'm working on.

    Propeller Wiki: Share the coolness!

    Post Edited (potatohead) : 8/14/2007 4:30:50 PM GMT
    720 x 540 - 263K
    720 x 540 - 253K
    720 x 540 - 272K
  • ericballericball Posts: 774
    edited 2007-08-14 17:12
    Three items.

    If your VSCL frame clocks / pixel clocks > 32 then the remaining pixels will be color 0.

    If you execute WAITVID before the video generator has output (frame clocks / pixel clocks) pixels, then your code halts until the video generator latches the pixel data.

    Updates to VSCL don't take effect until the next video generator latch.
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-08-14 17:36
    ericball said...
    Updates to VSCL don't take effect until the next video generator latch.
    I should think so too - changing the pins is most likely not an operation affecting the video logic.

    @potatohead: I did not understand your explanation in your first posting why you switched the pins at all... If you don't want the sync signals, why do you generate them in the first place?
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-08-14 17:45
    ericball said...

    If your VSCL frame clocks / pixel clocks > 32 then the remaining pixels will be color 0.
    Not true, any overrun of data due to setting up the frame clocks/pixel clocks to be greater than 16 in 4 color mode and 32 in 2 color mode, the last color value contained in pixels is repeated for the remainder of the·frame clocks.

    If you have personally observed otherwise, please let me know so I can verify and alter the datasheet.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,260
    edited 2007-08-14 18:52
    It was a quick hack to work toward a solution in discrete stages, while having output to verify. So, combining two running generators, means one set of sync signals. I had trouble turning the thing off and on --and perhaps that's the logic bit being discussed here. I might have a go at that again actually. It's gonna take a different batch of code though. So far, I've committed to just having the generators stay running and properly fed with pixel data. If the thing can be turned on and off consistently and rapidly, it's another --maybe better option! When I tried this, I had trouble, so I stepped back and stuck with the known behavior and worked from there. The solution appears possible on that basis, I've just got to think it all the way through.

    The first condition was how the signals interact. If that was not favorable, then the rest of the efforts were not worth following through on. The signals interact in a favorable way, so then it was onto vertical timing. A quick hack to understand the signals made sense, given my time and access to both the Prop and a suitable display.

    Got that done.

    I've now eliminated the sync signals from the overlay generator, making the pin redirection unnecessary. Output is consistent with no timing issues. Could have went that route, but the timing matters were confusing, so eliminating them one at a time worked better for me.

    I'm down to the overlay having three elements: A fairly long wait between active video frames VBLANK, the actual active video scanlines, and the brief HSYNC period. Those are now done with waitvids and VSCL settings calculated for the right timing. Output during these times is just having the level set to zero and it all appears to work just fine.

    Now I'm struggling with horizontal timing. Been a bigger problem for me than I thought! I've tried a fair number of things, not there just yet...

    When that's done, then I'll think about the PLLs and other subtle issues, depending on what I see. Lots of pixel color, size, intensity combinations to evaluate. In some cases I might be seeing things that are not what I think they are. Gotta find that out first, so that code changes actually are aimed at real problems. Right now it's all about getting the pixels to land on top of one another correctly. Their colors, etc... can wait.

    There is learning for me on multiple fronts while doing this. So, discrete steps makes the best sense, that's all.

    Anyway, back to what can be changed mid-shift and what cannot...

    Propeller Wiki: Share the coolness!

    Post Edited (potatohead) : 8/14/2007 8:14:40 PM GMT
  • GennadyGennady Posts: 34
    edited 2007-08-14 21:06
    Ok, here are my findings related to the original questions in a post:

    1. VSU can be stopped any time during·shifting pixels. It brings video out to 0 (at least in my case, since I have video pins driven low from another cog).

    2. After reenabling VSU it shifts out the rest of pixels.·I couldn't find any way to flash VSU, if anybody knows the way, I will appreciate the information.

    3. It's quite easy to figure out when shift·1 ends - it's happens right after next waitvid (shift2).·It's logical, since waitvid waits till generator is available.

    4. If VSU hasn't been fed with video data, it outputs garbage. If·It's stopped at a start of 'no feed shift', the garbage will be output on a generator reenabling.

    5. Caution ! I tried to use·pins from the·group 0 (0..7) for video debugging and found an interesting thing - if I set one of the above mentioned pins as output, it will be set to input at some point.·Example -·try to set pin to toggle at some point in each vertical interval.·I haven't tried to investigate further, but I think that during tasks execution VCFG (Vgroup field) gets zeroed (pins 0..7 set for video), then set to a needed (in my case group 1 as on a protoboard) value, what means configuring pins 0..7 as inputs again.
    Again, I am not sure about the reason, but the fenomenon exists. So if using non-video pins in a video driver don't forget to set them as outputs every time, and don't assume it will keep it's state.

    All the above·has been done for the purpose of synchronizing of TV driver to external video.·I had to use separate cog as external video loss detector, and now it works quite good.

  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,260
    edited 2007-08-14 21:19
    Does it stop on pixel boundaries, or just stop when asked?

    If it just stops, does it start from there, completing a partial pixel, or just begin with next pixel?

    Propeller Wiki: Share the coolness!
  • GennadyGennady Posts: 34
    edited 2007-08-14 21:36
    Checking pixel boundaries wasn't that important to my project, so I didn't do it confused.gif
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-08-14 22:49
    Be careful about your notion of VCFG somehow being changed by the chip hardware other than by an instruction that changes it explicitly. I think you'll find that something in your code is "clobbering" the VCFG location. The question that raises is "what is that instruction not changing that it should?"
  • GennadyGennady Posts: 34
    edited 2007-08-15 00:22
    Mike Green said...
    Be careful about your notion of VCFG somehow being changed by the chip hardware other than by an instruction that changes it explicitly. I think you'll find that something in your code is "clobbering" the VCFG location. The question that raises is "what is that instruction not changing that it should?"
    I agree. But than could be great to understand what is going on. Below are examples using standard tv_text_demo.spin.
    test_mask·· long·· %00000000_00000000_00000000_00010000······ 'P4 is a test pin.

    Below are tv.spin mods and observations:

    entry·········· andn··· outa, test_mask·· 'preclear P4
    ················· or······· dira,· test_mask·· 'set P4 as output

    -·Experiment 1 - insert pin toggle at 'superfield label:
    superfield·· xor· outa, test_mask

    - expected at P4:·50% duty cycle at a·quad frame period (~64 ms)
    - result:·low level at P4
    ··········· I can probably try to understand that, since vcfg starts with Vgroup 0 before loading parameters, so P4 gets set as input.

    -·Experiment·2 - insert pin toggle at 'superfield label, setting it·as output every time:
    superfield····· or dira, test_mask
    ················· xor· outa, test_mask

    - expected at P4:·50% duty cycle at a·quad frame period (~64 ms)
    - result:·sharp positive pulses at expected rate of ~64ms, immediately descending to 0 during ~1ms (as if high output·changes to floating input)
    ··········· Changing order of instructions doesn't change result.
    -·Experiment·3 - set P4 direction at Superfield and toggle at Field:
    superfield·· or· dira, test_mask
    field········· xor· outa, test_mask

    - expected at P4:·50% duty cycle at a·frame period (~32 ms)
    - result:·low level at P4

    -·Experiment·4 - set P4 direction and toggle at·Field:
    field···· or dira, test_mask·········
    ········· xor· outa, test_mask

    - expected at P4:·50% duty cycle at a·frame period (~32 ms)
    - result:·as expected

    Above results puzzle me. Probably I don't pay attention to something, but than even more I would like to figure out what is going on.

  • ericballericball Posts: 774
    edited 2007-08-15 16:25
    Paul Baker (Parallax) said...
    ericball said...

    If your VSCL frame clocks / pixel clocks > 32 then the remaining pixels will be color 0.
    Not true, any overrun of data due to setting up the frame clocks/pixel clocks to be greater than 16 in 4 color mode and 32 in 2 color mode, the last color value contained in pixels is repeated for the remainder of the·frame clocks.·

    If you have personally observed otherwise, please let me know so I can verify and alter the datasheet.

    I will assume that I am in error on this one.· I thought I recalled seeing a block diagram of the video generator which showed zeros being shifted into the pixel register.

    Hmm... I wonder if I can use this behaviour to my advantage....
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-08-15 16:47
    Figure 4 shows n MSB bits of pixels shifting back into pixels (counter clockwise arrow on left side of pixels), is the way I diagramed it confusing?

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • ericballericball Posts: 774
    edited 2007-08-23 17:48
    Paul Baker (Parallax) said...
    Figure 4 shows n MSB bits of pixels shifting back into pixels (counter clockwise arrow on left side of pixels), is the way I diagramed it confusing?
    No, it's 100% my fault relying on my memory rather than your documentation.·

    I think part of reason I though it was zero shifted in is I typically use WAITVID src,#dst so the last 23 bits are zero and thus zero is always shifted in.
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