Idea for Prop PCB designers

One of the common threads I see on hear is people who like myself are finding or looking for the fun of building their own microcomputer. How about a Propeller board that fits inside the C64 case. There's a bunch of 64's working/dead/otherwise on Ebay, (Commodore sold a record number of them) You could put the power, switch, and joystick connections in their expected locations, put an SD slot and I/O port out the Cart. slot. The prop-side would look like the Keyrah (image attached) Then put an add-on board that would bolt into the opposite side of the case to include keyboard, ps2 keyboard/mouse. The Commodore keyboard is an 8x8 keyboard matrix. (I recently did a mod like this using a pixaxe chip to convert the keyboard to serial)
Bet one of you PCD designers could make a buck or two in the process, there are certainly more than a few of us with a fond memory of the 64. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
The comments and code above are proof that a million monkeys with a million propeller chips *could* write Shakespeare!
Bet one of you PCD designers could make a buck or two in the process, there are certainly more than a few of us with a fond memory of the 64. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
The comments and code above are proof that a million monkeys with a million propeller chips *could* write Shakespeare!
I had the idea before of making a Propeller based computer similar to the Commodores and such, but using an original Commodore just saves half the work.
I'd do this, if I had the money to buy a Commodore myself.