LED Scoreboard idea for MLB fans
I had an idea at the sportsbar. An LED sign that displays the same data as the graphic bar on the top of the TV broadcast. There are a handful of desktop widgets and live gameplay flash apps that show that info and so much more.
My idea is using a Visual Basic program that connects to http://gd2.mlb.com/components/game/mlb/ and finds the game to display and it's XML files. Grabs proper attributes and sends them to BS2. Stamp uses 4 MAX6953 to light 16 5x7 charecters and 3 LEDs for 1b, 2b, and 3b.
Like this:
NYY xx BOS xx <^> xx^ 3-2 2

Will this arrangement work with a stamp or pic, and would anyone like to work on this with me? I'm not the best programmer in the world. I figure a majority of the work will be done on the PC side with the program finding and parsing the XML.
My idea is using a Visual Basic program that connects to http://gd2.mlb.com/components/game/mlb/ and finds the game to display and it's XML files. Grabs proper attributes and sends them to BS2. Stamp uses 4 MAX6953 to light 16 5x7 charecters and 3 LEDs for 1b, 2b, and 3b.
Like this:
NYY xx BOS xx <^> xx^ 3-2 2

Will this arrangement work with a stamp or pic, and would anyone like to work on this with me? I'm not the best programmer in the world. I figure a majority of the work will be done on the PC side with the program finding and parsing the XML.
·Let me know what the details are if still interested.
Post Edited (T&E Engineer) : 8/9/2007 12:43:40 AM GMT