i need help in this!!!!!!!
Posts: 4
hi!!!! i have problems with this program:
*** when method init_standby called method armed, an then i try to exit armed i have to strike input 1 twice or maintain pushed for about .5 secs,output 7 gives a little 2 pulses(dont want it!!!). i·supposed to only·need one pulse for exit armed
*** i want that init_standby do not execute if input 3 == 1.execute if input 3 == 0
i try to add another pub but it dos'nt work
· long stack [noparse][[/noparse]12]···· 'stack space for cognew instruction
· Pub init_standby |· Lock
pin 0 = activation
pin 1 =· deactivation
pin 2 = monitors the status of sensors
pin 3 =·machine is on·}}
· dira [noparse][[/noparse]0..2]~· 'sets pin 0-2 as inputs
· repeat··································· 'loops for always cheking below lines
··· Lock· := ina[noparse][[/noparse]0]·················· 'takes the value of input pin 0
··· if· Lock == 1···················· 'condition for the calling of armed sub routine
····· cognew (flasher,@ stack)· 'a new cog executes sub_routine
····· armed································· 'sub_routine
····· if armed == 1
······· cogstop (1)
pub armed | Unlock,Lock············ 'sub_routine armed
· dira [noparse][[/noparse]6..8]~~······················ 'sets pin 16-18 as output
· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]7]··························· 'raise pulse for locked doors
· waitcnt(6_000_000 + cnt)
· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]7]····················· 'the drop pulse for locked
· repeat
··· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]6]
··· repeat
······ Unlock· := ina [noparse][[/noparse]1]
····· if· Unlock· == 1
······· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]7]
······· return 1
pub flasher : index· | pin· ' {declaration of the the sub_routine led_Flasher
······························· 'returning its value trought "index"}.{"Pin" is a local variable.}···············································································································································································································································
· dira [noparse][[/noparse]16..23]~~
··· repeat {1}··················· 'Endlessly loop···············································································································································
{repeat {2} is used to turns leds on from left to right}
····· repeat{2} index from 1 to 7 'will execute until "index" reach 7, when exit repeat {2} automaticlly "index" return to 0
······· pin := index + 16········ 'indicates which led in the corresponding demo_board pin turns on
······· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]pin]·············· 'toggles pin output
······· waitcnt(2_500_000 + cnt)· 'delay time
······· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]pin]·············· 'toggles pin output again
{repeat {3} is used to turns leds on from right to left}
····· repeat{3} index from 1 to 7 'as "index" loose its value from repeat {2},will execute until "index" reach 7
······· pin := 23 - index········ 'indicates which led in the corresponding demo_board pin turns on
······· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]pin]············· 'toggles pin output
······· waitcnt(2_500_000 + cnt)· 'delay time
······· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]pin]·············· 'toggles pin output again
*** when method init_standby called method armed, an then i try to exit armed i have to strike input 1 twice or maintain pushed for about .5 secs,output 7 gives a little 2 pulses(dont want it!!!). i·supposed to only·need one pulse for exit armed
*** i want that init_standby do not execute if input 3 == 1.execute if input 3 == 0
i try to add another pub but it dos'nt work
· long stack [noparse][[/noparse]12]···· 'stack space for cognew instruction
· Pub init_standby |· Lock
pin 0 = activation
pin 1 =· deactivation
pin 2 = monitors the status of sensors
pin 3 =·machine is on·}}
· dira [noparse][[/noparse]0..2]~· 'sets pin 0-2 as inputs
· repeat··································· 'loops for always cheking below lines
··· Lock· := ina[noparse][[/noparse]0]·················· 'takes the value of input pin 0
··· if· Lock == 1···················· 'condition for the calling of armed sub routine
····· cognew (flasher,@ stack)· 'a new cog executes sub_routine
····· armed································· 'sub_routine
····· if armed == 1
······· cogstop (1)
pub armed | Unlock,Lock············ 'sub_routine armed
· dira [noparse][[/noparse]6..8]~~······················ 'sets pin 16-18 as output
· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]7]··························· 'raise pulse for locked doors
· waitcnt(6_000_000 + cnt)
· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]7]····················· 'the drop pulse for locked
· repeat
··· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]6]
··· repeat
······ Unlock· := ina [noparse][[/noparse]1]
····· if· Unlock· == 1
······· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]7]
······· return 1
pub flasher : index· | pin· ' {declaration of the the sub_routine led_Flasher
······························· 'returning its value trought "index"}.{"Pin" is a local variable.}···············································································································································································································································
· dira [noparse][[/noparse]16..23]~~
··· repeat {1}··················· 'Endlessly loop···············································································································································
{repeat {2} is used to turns leds on from left to right}
····· repeat{2} index from 1 to 7 'will execute until "index" reach 7, when exit repeat {2} automaticlly "index" return to 0
······· pin := index + 16········ 'indicates which led in the corresponding demo_board pin turns on
······· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]pin]·············· 'toggles pin output
······· waitcnt(2_500_000 + cnt)· 'delay time
······· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]pin]·············· 'toggles pin output again
{repeat {3} is used to turns leds on from right to left}
····· repeat{3} index from 1 to 7 'as "index" loose its value from repeat {2},will execute until "index" reach 7
······· pin := 23 - index········ 'indicates which led in the corresponding demo_board pin turns on
······· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]pin]············· 'toggles pin output
······· waitcnt(2_500_000 + cnt)· 'delay time
······· !outa [noparse][[/noparse]pin]·············· 'toggles pin output again
you are calling the subroutine armed twice. One time without checking result and one in the if statement. You should it only call in the if statement.
because armed will never return unless the button is pressed.