Strange IR detector behavior, using PEK bot code
Posts: 405
Ok the program I am running is quite simple:
'print reading (1 or 0)
Here is the object method, which I'm assuming works since its from the PEK bot code:
The code loads and runs fine, but the results I am getting are strange. I only see "0"s in the terminal window no matter how I try to reflect/cover the IR led. However, if I unplug and remove the IR led altogether, I get all "1"s. I then substituted a regular LED for the IR one and I still get the "1"s. When I put the IR led back, I get "0"s. It's like the IR led affects the detector's output, but not in the intended way (using reflected IR light). What's going on?
Alternately, I found something strange with the PEK bot's schematic. It shows the IR receiver wired like this:
but a diagram I have (I'm pretty sure its from the boe-bot book) shows the lower 2 pin's reversed. A look at the PNA4602's datasheet also confirms the boe-bot wiring, which is the one I used. Could this have something to do with it?
I'm new to the propeller!
'' File: IRDetectTest.spin VAR CON _xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' 5 MHz external crystal _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x ' 5 MHz crystal multiplied → 80 MHz OBJ term : "PC_Interface" IRDetect: "Ir Detector" PUB mainMethod term.start(31,30) 'init terminal and IR detect objects term.str(string("starting up")) IRDetect.init(26,27) repeat term.dec(IRDetect.object)
'print reading (1 or 0)
Here is the object method, which I'm assuming works since its from the PEK bot code:
PUB object :state | pin, freq, dur {{IR object detection. Returns state - 0 indicates that an object was detected. 1 indicates no object}} pin := ledPin freq := 38000 sw.start(@pin) dur := (38000 / 400) waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq/500) state := ina[noparse][[/noparse]recPin] sw.stop
The code loads and runs fine, but the results I am getting are strange. I only see "0"s in the terminal window no matter how I try to reflect/cover the IR led. However, if I unplug and remove the IR led altogether, I get all "1"s. I then substituted a regular LED for the IR one and I still get the "1"s. When I put the IR led back, I get "0"s. It's like the IR led affects the detector's output, but not in the intended way (using reflected IR light). What's going on?
Alternately, I found something strange with the PEK bot's schematic. It shows the IR receiver wired like this:
+5V   │ ┌┐ └──┤│ P14 ──────────┤│‣ 10 kΩ ┌──┤│ │ └┘  PNA4602 Vss
but a diagram I have (I'm pretty sure its from the boe-bot book) shows the lower 2 pin's reversed. A look at the PNA4602's datasheet also confirms the boe-bot wiring, which is the one I used. Could this have something to do with it?
I'm new to the propeller!