[SOLVED] Changing the Propeller Tool COM port
Make sure the nice looking sticker on the Prop Plug faces upwards!!!
Original post:
Hey there,
Just tried to hook up my new propeller proto boards but neither of them is found. The strange thing is that the tool seems to be scanning for them *only* on COM5. This is odd because my Boe-Bot is *always* found on COM4, seeing as both use pretty much the same USB2serial driver and chip. Now in the Basic Stamp IDE I know how to change the COM port pretty easily or even add additional ports to scan but I can find no such option in the Propeller Tool.
* I checked the power, the little green LEDs on the boards looks happy and bright.
* I saw the device was found by Windows and drivers were installed and the device was declared ready for use when I hooked the board up the laptop.
What's the magic trick? Cuz I'm itchin' to get my Prop on.
PS, what's with the teeeeeny weeeeny little reset button? Maybe Parallax should start shipping trained ants to push the reset button on command because I doubt most adult males will be able to touch that without covering most of the controller in the process.
| What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left.
| "Wait...if that was a compliment, why is my fist of death tingling?"
| - Alice from Dilbert
Post Edited (Mightor) : 8/3/2007 7:58:26 PM GMT
Make sure the nice looking sticker on the Prop Plug faces upwards!!!
Original post:
Hey there,
Just tried to hook up my new propeller proto boards but neither of them is found. The strange thing is that the tool seems to be scanning for them *only* on COM5. This is odd because my Boe-Bot is *always* found on COM4, seeing as both use pretty much the same USB2serial driver and chip. Now in the Basic Stamp IDE I know how to change the COM port pretty easily or even add additional ports to scan but I can find no such option in the Propeller Tool.
* I checked the power, the little green LEDs on the boards looks happy and bright.
* I saw the device was found by Windows and drivers were installed and the device was declared ready for use when I hooked the board up the laptop.
What's the magic trick? Cuz I'm itchin' to get my Prop on.
PS, what's with the teeeeeny weeeeny little reset button? Maybe Parallax should start shipping trained ants to push the reset button on command because I doubt most adult males will be able to touch that without covering most of the controller in the process.
| What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left.
| "Wait...if that was a compliment, why is my fist of death tingling?"
| - Alice from Dilbert
Post Edited (Mightor) : 8/3/2007 7:58:26 PM GMT
There is also no mention of how to face the prop plug in the board's manual either, I checked.
| What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left.
| "Wait...if that was a compliment, why is my fist of death tingling?"
| - Alice from Dilbert
LOL! Stargazer2050, you are hilarious! Your logic would make Mounty Python proud!
Welcome to the forums. Remember, there are at least two parts to the issue, the quickstart and the PC. If the PC can't see the quickstart, the issue could be at either end of the cable. In my experience, the issue has always been due to a problem with windows or operator error; not once yet in five years has the issue been due to the prop chips, the prop plugs, or the FTDI chips.