commutation between 2 sx chips
I am new to the whole sx thing and really haven't done much programing like this before so any help is greatly appreciated but anyhow what is the best way to pass a 2 digit value between 2 sx chips 1 chip needs to send the data and the other need to receive they dont need to pass it back and forth I need to be able to do this using as little code and the least amount of pins possible thanks for any help
If the chips are located far apart from each other you may want to use additional hardware to compensate for signal loss and noise.
- Sparks
Teacher: What is the difference between ignorance and apathy ?
Student: I don't know and I don't care
Teacher: Correct !
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I've attached a framework to get you started; it allows for half-duplex, ISR-driven serial on a single pin and will work from 1200 to 38.4K baud -- it uses Open True mode so you need to put a pull-up (don't use the internal pull-up) on the serial I/O pin.