Penguin programming from OSX with MacBS2?
Does anyone have this working? I've installed the FTDI VCP drivers...the system detects unplugging the USB device, but MacBS2 always reports that a BasicStamp 2 is found but not responding.
Any clues?
Any clues?
You'll have to find some way to use Windows XP under the MacOSX like BootCamp or Parallels Desktop or VMWare Fusion.
But this issue lies on our end. Once we do our work of updating the tokenizer library, then Murat can integrate it into his MacBS2 programming tool.
I'll get with Jeff right away on this issue and try to help you guys get this problem solved.
Sorry for the inconvenience. We probably should have used more universal tools in the beginning, but thankfully Murat has rescued our Mac users.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Thanks for the responses.
Anyone know if one of the Linux BS2 editors supports the BS2px? I have a working Ubuntu environment under VMware, but my Windows image got toasted the other day [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Once the tokenizer libraries get updated, you can just download and install them over top of your current copies.
Maybe I could help [noparse]:)[/noparse]