Is SX-48 code the same as SX-28 code?
Other than the chip designator, could I just program the SX48 with the same code as the SX-28?
I am just wondering because I have to do a do a project revision which requires more pins.· Instead of re-writing the SXB code, I would like to just copy it over, and add the new elements that I need.
I am just wondering because I have to do a do a project revision which requires more pins.· Instead of re-writing the SXB code, I would like to just copy it over, and add the new elements that I need.
Oh one "gotcha" is that the SX48 has 2 LESS bytes for normal (BYTE, WORD, BIT) variables. This is because the RD and RE port use the global memory area.
Teacher: What is the difference between ignorance and apathy ?
Student: I don't know and I don't care
Teacher: Correct !
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