Boe-Bot servo probleme
I centered my Boe-Bot servo but when i make this command one go clockwise and the other conterclockwise
Sorry for my BASIC english ( It's not my native language)
I centered my Boe-Bot servo but when i make this command one go clockwise and the other conterclockwise
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} DO PULSOUT 12 , 650 PULSOUT 13 , 650 LOOP
Sorry for my BASIC english ( It's not my native language)
This will make the robot go either forward or backward [noparse]:)[/noparse] Switch the two values around to make the bot go the other direction. Make sure you have a 20-30ms pause between pulses.
| What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left.
| "Wait...if that was a compliment, why is my fist of death tingling?"
| - Alice from Dilbert
What's happening is, the BOE-Bot has the two servo's mounted back-to-back. This means, if they both spin in the SAME direction, then on the right side, if the servo wheel goes 'right', it pulls that side forward. On the left side, when the servo wheel goes 'right', it pulls that side backwards.
Thus, to make it go straight, you command one with a 650 "right", and the other with an 850 "left". Then both servo's will pull "forward" at the same time.
Do you have the Boe-Bot book that usually comes with the package? It's really very good. I know it can be very tempting to skip ahead and try to do all the really cool stuff first but that book is really great at explaining how the robot's servos work. If you don't have a copy of it, you can find it here: You mentioned that your mother tongue is not English. I believe there are translations of this book available. Perhaps one of the Parallax staff can tell you where to download those.
Remember to have fun [noparse]:)[/noparse]
| What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left.
| "Wait...if that was a compliment, why is my fist of death tingling?"
| - Alice from Dilbert
Scroll through this page to see our complete list of volunteer-translated Stamps in Class downloads:
-Stephanie Lindsay
Editor, Parallax Inc.
P.S. The Propeller Manual v1.0 has also been translated, to Russian and Simplified Chinese.
There are 10 types of people in this world,...
Those that understand binary numbers, and those that don't!!!
PS-I love your signature
Thanks. I don't remember bumping them, and it was when I was in class going from one program to the other, and both got messed up at the same time. Not sure, but I thought I'd have to replace the servos. Just glad they adjusted back to center. Both pots seemed tight, and had tension when adjusted.
There are 10 types of people in this world,...
Those that understand binary numbers, and those that don't!!!
When I make this in my Boe-Bot it gos counterclockwise than stop than clockwise. But it normaly it whil do that : clockwise, stop, counterclockwise
But if i do that:
my boe-bot gose normaly: clockwise stop than counterclockwise.
Ps: I'm using the book:robotic whit the Boe-Bot
Sorry for my BASIC english ( It's not my native language)
THANKS A LOT MIKE I WAS LOST [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Sorry for my BASIC english ( It's not my native language)
To move the BOE-BOT backwards, reverse the values.
Sorry for my BASIC english ( It's not my native language: I speak french)