Setting a bit to zero in a loop...
Posts: 221
Hi All,
There may be a simple thing I am missing here, but here goes...
I have a byte variable called state, which contains the status of 8 sprinkler stations. (on or off).
When I want to turn one of the stations off, I have the state variable contain 1's for the stationss that are on.
At present, if I want to change a bit, I have to use the station number to then jump to a label contain a statement such as...
state.bit3 = 0
the problem is, it is code hungry and messy to have a branch and 8 labels just to set a bit in a byte.
I would like to be able to do something like...
sprinkler = 3
bit(sprinkler) = 0······· 'which is not possible
or somehow do it in a for/next loop, and shifting bits etc.
sprinkler·= 3
for counter = 0 to 7
·if counter = sprinkler then state(counter) = 0
(I know that wont work, its just the principle I'm trying to achieve).
Anyone have any simple suggestions ?
I've been thinking about this for ages, and I'm sure there must be a simple way in a few lines of code in a loop.
West Oz.
There may be a simple thing I am missing here, but here goes...
I have a byte variable called state, which contains the status of 8 sprinkler stations. (on or off).
When I want to turn one of the stations off, I have the state variable contain 1's for the stationss that are on.
At present, if I want to change a bit, I have to use the station number to then jump to a label contain a statement such as...
state.bit3 = 0
the problem is, it is code hungry and messy to have a branch and 8 labels just to set a bit in a byte.
I would like to be able to do something like...
sprinkler = 3
bit(sprinkler) = 0······· 'which is not possible
or somehow do it in a for/next loop, and shifting bits etc.
sprinkler·= 3
for counter = 0 to 7
·if counter = sprinkler then state(counter) = 0
(I know that wont work, its just the principle I'm trying to achieve).
Anyone have any simple suggestions ?
I've been thinking about this for ages, and I'm sure there must be a simple way in a few lines of code in a loop.
West Oz.
will zero bit 3 of the state variable.
Another way,
sprinklerStateByte = sprinklerStateByte & ~ DCD sprinkler ' ~DCD 3 creates the mask, %11110111
Tracy Allen
Do an AND function with the Bit you wish to turn off.
Sprinkler··········· 76543210
So if you have state= %10011111· and you wish to turn sprinkler 4 off
Do·· "state=state and %11101111"· that will turn bit 4 off and leave the other as is
Ron Nollet····
Looks like we were trying to help Chris at the same time.
Hope you are all okay there .
All fine here.
Ronald Nollet
I will try both and see which one reduces my code space in memory the most.
Thanks heaps.
Tracy, Ididnt know you could put an array identifier on the end of the byte variabl, that is very useful.
Chris, West Oz.