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Penguin Comments

Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
edited 2007-08-11 01:21 in Robotics
The Penguin went together pretty easily and indeed is very cute. Some manual / assembly comments:

1) I used a new 1/16" drill (hand twisting it) to enlarge the holes in the servo horn. The 1/16" ball links were very loose in the holes ... too loose. I switched to the other servo horn and used some "hobby drills" not well marked as to size and started with the smallest (maybe 1/32") and slowly worked up until the ball links went in and fit snugly. I was pretty uncomfortable with the strength of the connection and found that the nuts that came with the ball links would work to hold them nicely in place.

2) The servo calibration process is a little confusing. I ended up using the program to balance the stride and tilt positions so there was no visible tilt and the feet were even.

3) The 0.050" hex key often slips (strips?) in the matching screw heads, occasionally with very little pressure.


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2007-07-26 20:22

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Regarding #1, we can identify the exact drill and provide it in the kit. Chances are it's a size that isn't easily found at a hardware store. I'll look into this right away.

    For #2, we will integrate that program's use into the manual and try to clarify the user interface. I also stumbled a bit the first time.

    And regarding the hex key, this is the second time I've heard that though I've never experienced it on my own. I'll put some calipers on the hex keys and see that they're what they're supposed to be.

    Thanks very much.


    Ken Gracey
  • MightorMightor Posts: 338
    edited 2007-07-27 05:00

    I don't have one of these penguins myself, but providing the drill with the kit is a great idea especially if you want people in Europe to be able to drill the holes accurately. In mainland Europe it's all metric. A good alternative is to tell people which metric drill to use as a replacement. If you send me one of those kits for free, I'd be happy to test some drill sizes for you and let you know which is most suitable, haha. (j/k, sort of)


    | What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left.
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2007-07-27 14:07
    Following up on what Mightor said - we may have different drill bit sizes in Louisiana too! wink.gif


    "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
  • sailman58sailman58 Posts: 162
    edited 2007-07-30 13:30
    Just want to confirm that I had the same problem with the servo arm. A 1/16 drill would be OK if you put a nut on the back. A #54 @ 0.055" is still too big, but a #56 @ 0.046" was a little tight an I had problems starting the thread. My drill set did not have a #55, so I did a little light reaming with an Xacto knife after drilling with a #56 drill and everything went in OK.

    I finished assembly yesterday with no further problems except for a little slippage on the screws that fasten the battery pack to the penguin. I have not gone through the calibration process yet, so I can't comment on that yet.

  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2007-07-30 16:21
    Did any of you have any difficulty attaching the stride linkage to the servo spline?

    This is the small black Delrin part. One customer told me that he stripped either the servo spline or the stride linkage. I haven't been able to replicate the problem, so I'm checking with you guys.


    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-07-30 16:37
    It took a little care to feel for the splines engaging before pushing and it was a tight fit, but not unreasonably so. It wasn't any more difficult than some servo horns.
  • sailman58sailman58 Posts: 162
    edited 2007-07-30 17:39
    I didn't have any problems either, just wiggle it around a little until it meshes with the servo spline. Of course, about six months ago I had to do this with 12 servos on a hexapod, so I have had some practice!

  • Dakota99Dakota99 Posts: 24
    edited 2007-08-01 03:47
    I've very happy with my 2 Penguins, first one took about 2 hrs to assemble and the second one went faster.

    Only problem i had was with the 2-56 1/4"screws and the 0.050 hex key on both. hex key is smaller than some of slot in the screws. On the servo horn, I drilled the first one like the instructions said too and hand thread the second one. The stride linkage fits perfect.

    I think there is a type-o on page 18 of 24, sections 3.2. Servo Calibration, the word "most" probably should be "must". Just an fyi for parallax. This stump me for a bit as to why the first one wasn't work right of the bat, I skip a step and load the wrong program, oops.

    Anyway thanks for Penguins and keep up the good work! kudos for fixing my order too!
  • Steph LindsaySteph Lindsay Posts: 767
    edited 2007-08-01 17:38
    Thanks for catching that typo, Dakota99. I'm making updates to the documentation now.

    -Stephanie Lindsay
    Editor, Parallax Inc.
  • N-2-STUFFN-2-STUFF Posts: 25
    edited 2007-08-04 03:54
    got my little guy today (blue) went together great. the only probelm is in compass mode it will spend time trying to correct the line it's walking, but it will still walk off course.

    i guess i should spend more time playing around with it, but i have been waiting too long to get one (thanks ken ).

    well time to get back to tinkering.


    found out the problem one leg bolt was a bit to tight. he is walking great now.

    Post Edited (N-2-STUFF) : 8/7/2007 4:54:28 AM GMT
  • HenrymouHenrymou Posts: 128
    edited 2007-08-11 01:21
    I wish I had a penguin, all I have Is a frigin Boe bot lol.
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