Light Sensor LS100
Can anyone tell me how to hook this up to an SX?
There is a diagram on the pdf but where do I hook up the IO Pin?
Help appreciated
Can anyone tell me how to hook this up to an SX?
There is a diagram on the pdf but where do I hook up the IO Pin?
Help appreciated
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I cannot se a Vs in fig 2 do you mean Vo?
I basically have VSS -> resistor -> Light Sensor -> VDD
and between the resistor and light sensor is where I have the i/o pin on the SX, and this is also where the voltage is 5.7V
Between the resistor and ground i get 0.1V
- Sparks
My Wall Wart is set to 6V but is giving out 9.7V
bit strange, the SX key is also getting rather hot when left on, is that normal?
Voltage reg is cold though
Just cannot get this to work, and yet it should be simple.
If not how could I use a standard LDR?
Thanks for all your help
What would you reccomend? an ldr or the light sensor?
i still don't know why the voltages seem way off [noparse]:([/noparse]
Why these wild voltages?· Does your voltmeter need a new battery?· How accurately does it measure a separate battery (new, AA = 1.5V)?
When powered with +5 and GND (Vss), but otherwise disconnected from the SX, what's the LS100 output like?··Does it get dark enough to turn off and get light enough to turn on (looks like HI w/light, LO w/dark)?
I tried 2 handheld multimeters plus a mains powered ex-military multimeter (huge waterproof thing for submarines, very nice [noparse]:)[/noparse] )the voltage was the same on all 3 give or take 0.1V
i don't like this wall wart giving out funny voltages so I will try it on my bench psu which I know to be accurate.
I will also double and triple check the resistor, it is meant to be 5.8K but I wish I had an LCR.
Also pin 2 the short leg I presume is also the side with flat bit (Like an led), correct?
I will check all this and get back to you
thanks for the pointers, i think i just needed a little push
5.8K (red-grey-red) (green-grey-red)·should be OK (if it's 58K, that's too much.)
What're you using here, an SX28 ProtoBoard, a breadboard?
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 7/31/2007 1:16:40 PM GMT
im using an SX48 Protoboard
Green-blue-black is 56ohms (5, 6, and·zero 0s.)· Not enough resistance.
the resistor I have connected is green - Blue - Red - Gold
Which i take to mean 5.6K 10% Correct?
The Wall Wart has been playing around, so I have a new one now
I get 4.8V going into the sensor, 4.32V coming out, and 0v at the resistor, it's as if the resistor is too strong.
wierd thing is, If i put the probes on both of the sensors legs, I get 0.63V but at reversed polarity compared to when I check the leg against ground
The resistor was connected between then vss and the cathode of the sensor (flat edge, short pin), and nothing worked, turned the sensore around so it was wired up wrong, and the damn thing works.
Im totally confused now