Will pic code work in SX Chip
······· I lost the papers on a code I had done back a few years. I have the floppy I use to use to program the PIC16C711. It is a This is back in 97 when I had to put the chips on a programmer board. I would like to use the SX Chip from now on. I have a disassembly program and I converted it to assembly code. I know exactly what the program does but I don't know assembly.·
········ Is there a way to make it into a SX-B code and can I also program the SX Chip using the assembly code. I would have to edit a lot of it but will it work in the SX-chip.· The bottom line is I would like to redo the code in SX/B so I can add more features to it.
The code looks like this now after I used the disassembler program,,
(It looks like·Aliens wrote it)
············ ORG·00000H
············· DFB·010H,028H······· ;0000·10 28··;
··············· ORG·00008H
L0008:···· INC·R2···;0008·0A···.
············ ADD·A,R1···;0009·29···)
············· ORG·00020H
·············· MOVC·A,@A+PC······· ·;0020·83···.
··············LCALL·L1F30············ ·;0021·12 1F 30··..0
············· MOV·TL1,000H······ ·· ·;0024·85 00 8B··...
··············AJMP·L009F········ ··· ;0027·01 9F···..
L0029:···AJMP·L0084·············;0029·01 84···..
··········· JNB·SM1,L002E··········· ;002B·30 9E 00··0..
L002E:·· XRL·A,#000H············· ·;002E·64 00···d.
L0030:· ·MOVC·A,@A+PC········· ;0030·83···.
··········· DEC·@R0················· ·;0031·16···.
··········· NOP························· ;0032·00···.
··········· JNB·P0.1,L0036·········· ;0033·30 81 00··0..
········ Is there a way to make it into a SX-B code and can I also program the SX Chip using the assembly code. I would have to edit a lot of it but will it work in the SX-chip.· The bottom line is I would like to redo the code in SX/B so I can add more features to it.
The code looks like this now after I used the disassembler program,,
(It looks like·Aliens wrote it)
············ ORG·00000H
············· DFB·010H,028H······· ;0000·10 28··;
··············· ORG·00008H
L0008:···· INC·R2···;0008·0A···.
············ ADD·A,R1···;0009·29···)
············· ORG·00020H
··············LCALL·L1F30············ ·;0021·12 1F 30··..0
············· MOV·TL1,000H······ ·· ·;0024·85 00 8B··...
··············AJMP·L009F········ ··· ;0027·01 9F···..
L0029:···AJMP·L0084·············;0029·01 84···..
··········· JNB·SM1,L002E··········· ;002B·30 9E 00··0..
L002E:·· XRL·A,#000H············· ·;002E·64 00···d.
L0030:· ·MOVC·A,@A+PC········· ;0030·83···.
··········· DEC·@R0················· ·;0031·16···.
··········· NOP························· ;0032·00···.
··········· JNB·P0.1,L0036·········· ;0033·30 81 00··0..
In other words, rewrite it instead of messing around with converting it.
If you can give a description of what the program needs to do, somebody can help you get started.