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Stepper Motor 'Object' — Parallax Forums

Stepper Motor 'Object'

James NewmanJames Newman Posts: 133
edited 2007-07-14 20:34 in Propeller 1 <- Mentions 'With the set of pre-built Parallax “objects” for video, mice, keyboards, RF, LCDs, stepper motors and sensors your Propeller application is a matter of high-level integration.' I would be interested in seeing more information on alot of this, especially the stepper motor 'object'.

(This was actually ment to be a reply to my other thread, but somehow I posted a new message instead of a reply. So, I removed parts pertaining to the other thread and just changed itto my next question, which is unrelated anyhow.)


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-07-14 20:34
    Many of these objects are included with the Propeller Tool and there is some documentation in the source code as well as demo programs that also come with the Propeller Tool. Most of the others are in the Propeller Object Exchange which has a link off the main Parallax Propeller webpage. Again, most of these come with demo programs which show how to incorporate them into a program.

    There a complete column from Nuts and Volts on handling stepper motors with a Propeller here:
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