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DS1302 timekeeping chip driver (corrected) - What pins to use??? — Parallax Forums

DS1302 timekeeping chip driver (corrected) - What pins to use???

Nick WaldvogelNick Waldvogel Posts: 71
edited 2007-07-13 01:26 in Propeller 1
In the object exchange, there is the DS1302 timekeeping chip driver.· How does one know what pins to use??· They don’t seem to stick out like they do in Pbasic.· Thanks for the help.



  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,685
    edited 2007-07-13 01:06
    You have to call the Init Methode of the DS1302 object to use it. This Init methode needs 3 parameters with the Pin numbers for CLK, DATA and CE signals. That means, it's your choice what pins you will use.
  • Nick WaldvogelNick Waldvogel Posts: 71
    edited 2007-07-13 01:26
    Well I'm glad I wasn't way off base!!!· I did get cought by one of the traps....nono.gif·· When I changed the pin #'s on the DS1302 object I was tring to load it up to the prop.· I forgot to go back to DS1302 Demo!!!· Thanks for your time!!

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