RS 485 communication to/from stamp
I have a BS2pe and a beautiful Druck pressure transmitter - 16bit resolution over 20 bar. The Druck intercommunicates with modbus protocols through an RS 232/485 converter to any given terminal. What I would like to do is command and control/data log the pressure transmitter with the stamp. What approach can I use to create the 232/485 conversion in the smallest possible volume? I know there are any number of converters available (see ), but I want to create or buy a very tightly packed component because my final application is a handheld device about the size of a household flashlight.
- Stephen
Note that RS485 is a signalling definition and doesn't define how the data is arranged. The document you indicated also doesn't give any information about Baud, data formatting, nor what RS485 signals are used other than the data lines.
Maxim has a whole line of RS485 receivers, drivers, transceivers. Here's one for example:
Check out their application notes.
The basic chip for RS485 work is the 75176. It is an 8-pin chip and handles one pair of '485 wires (half-duplex) and can both transmit and receive serial data at TTL levels which works perfectly with Stamps. New versions have better surge protection built in.
As Mike pointed out, this will only address the the issue of signal levels.
The MODBUS protocol has been around since the smoke cleared and can be a bit daunting to implement on the Stamp. The best proceedure is to use a MODBUS test program (Google it) to find out what the query sentence will look like, then store that sentence on the Stamp as DATA or in a SEROUT command.
From your post, it looks like you can work at the RS232 level if the cable distances will not be too long or if you can run at low speeds. That will let you concentrate on getting the MODBUS side of things working.
Tom Sisk