A faster way?
Posts: 168
I need a method which finds the highest of 8 frequencies coming in from my 8 TSL230 sensors and records which sensor was highest. My first cut at this is simple logic but it may not be the fastest way. freqx is simultaneously updated from 4 cogs running ctra and ctrb. freqx and CameFrom are global variables and will be used to·direct my PEBOT towards the brightest light.
PUB ComCen
·HighFreq := 0
·CameFrom := 0
·· if freq1 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq1
···· CameFrom := 1
·· if freq2 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq2
···· CameFrom := 2
·· if Freq3 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq3
···· CameFRom := 3
·· if freq4 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq4
···· CameFrom := 4
·· if Freq5 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq5
···· CameFrom := 5
·· if freq6 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq6
···· CameFrom := 6
·· if Freq7 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq7
···· CameFrom := 7
·· if freq8 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq8
···· CameFrom := 8····
Would appreciate finding· more efficient/faster code keeping it in Spin.
PUB ComCen
·HighFreq := 0
·CameFrom := 0
·· if freq1 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq1
···· CameFrom := 1
·· if freq2 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq2
···· CameFrom := 2
·· if Freq3 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq3
···· CameFRom := 3
·· if freq4 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq4
···· CameFrom := 4
·· if Freq5 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq5
···· CameFrom := 5
·· if freq6 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq6
···· CameFrom := 6
·· if Freq7 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq7
···· CameFrom := 7
·· if freq8 > HighFreq
···· HighFreq := Freq8
···· CameFrom := 8····
Would appreciate finding· more efficient/faster code keeping it in Spin.
How about...
HighFreq := (Freq1<<3|0)#>(Freq2<<3|1)#>(Freq3<<3|2)#>(Freq4<<3|3)#>(Freq5<<3|4)#>(Freq6<<3|5)#>(Freq7<<3|6)#>(Freq8<<3|7)
CameFrom := HighFreq&$7+1
HighFreq := HighFreq>>3
...In the case of a Tie between any of the Frequencies, the frequency with the highest index value will determine the winner.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 7/9/2007 2:05:06 AM GMT
HighFreq := (Freq1&!7|0)#>(Freq2&!7|1) etc
with the final resolution being
CameFrom := HighFreq&7+1
HighFreq := HighFreq&!7
HighFreq := Freq1 #> Freq2 #> Freq3 #> Freq4 #> Freq5 #> Freq6 #> Freq7 #> Freq8
That's nice functionality that hadn't occurred to me before. I'll have to review my code to see whether I can improve some code with this.
But the real clever thing is finding a way to keep the CameFrom variable together with the appropriate Freq. Beau has put it in the lower 3 bits of each Freq that is compared. And shifted the Freqency to the left 3 bits to make room. (Freqx<<3|y)
The lower 3 bits aren't going to make a difference to the comparison if the Freqs are different. And if they are the same, you probably don't care which is returned. (Beau's code will return the last of the matching Freqs, yours returns the first.)
The other difference to your code is that yours will cope with 32 bit frequencies, and Beau's 29 bit. But it's a fair bet that your frequencies don't have anything like that many bits anyway.
In SPIN you need 10 mys for the smallest things - this adds up... I benchmarked the above mentioned pieces of code. The result is given in kHz, as I strobed it using a frequency counter on an output pin. If you want to know the time, take 1/2f, so 50 kHz means 10 mys, as two loops are performed within one cycle.
Ad 6. I tried to get rid of Beaus shifts, which are expensive, assuming that the frequencies contain small positive values only
Edit: Had some bad typos in it ....
Post Edited (deSilva) : 7/9/2007 12:18:29 PM GMT
Interesting that the original should be faster. Beau's is shorter in object code as well as source code. I don't see why bit shifts should be expensive as the underlying machine code in the interpreter can shift any number of bits with a single 4 cycle instruction. Unless the interpreter does it by a dumb brute force 1 bit at a time method.
Your modification won't work. The freq that is ORed with $7_0000000 will always be largest...
Hmmm... 3,4 KHz ...I wonder if you 'pre-shifted' the Frequency value as part of your routine that detects the frequency before you did a comparison for the highest frequency, if that would improve the overall speed.
I realize you wanted to keep this in Spin, but alternatively you could re-write just this function as an assembly call.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
In executing "Byte Code" the length of elementary operations is of not much concern in relation to the execution overhead. Byte Code is most (time) efficient when you execute operations not readily available as machine code (i.e. 32-bit arithmetic on 8-bit machines, floating point, access to "hash" vectors,...)
is because the conditionals will be false most of the time.
As a matter of fact, for every execution, assuming every
permutation is possible (which is probably somewhat
strong), only 1.59 out of the 7 conditionals will be true
on average. That is, we only execute the guarded
block approximately 23% of the time.
I think this thread is great, I'd love to see more cold analysis of execution times of various common problems solved in Spin.
I fully understand your point; I solved that kind of problem - well, not yet - by reserving one cog for "utilities", similar to FLOAT32. All SMALL things that have to run fast are collected there.
Just for fun I should give one version of assembly for the problem; my counter showed 130 kHz, translating to 4 mys per loop. This is astonishingly slow compared to spin (speed-up only 20 to 30).
Cross-checking: 8x 39 ticks = 312 *12,5 ns = 3.9 mys plus a little bit more....
Waiting for the HUB really hurts
Post Edited (deSilva) : 7/9/2007 11:23:53 PM GMT
In English:
- A > B is read "A is greater than B" or "is A greater than B"
- A < B is read "A is less than B" or "is A less than B"
If # is read as "pick" then:
- A #> B could be read as "Pick the greater of A and B"
- A <# B could be read as "Pick the lesser of A and B"
So the operator names then become:
- #> "pick greater"
- <# "pick lesser"
A #>= B reads "pick the greater value of A and B and assign it to A"
a #> b
ahhh, that's the MAX(a, b) function and similarly
is the MIN(a, b) function. And the "=" part works like any other assignment thingie (eg. +=). If you wanna throw in the word "pick" for the "#", sure, fine. It already has 3 different meanings, why not a fourth?
Now i just have to figure out a good place to use them [noparse]:)[/noparse]
#> is called Limit Minimum
<# is called Limit Maximum
Limit Minimum is the same as max(a,b)
Limit Maximum is the same as min(a,b)
I do find the Parallax naming of these two operators a·bit confusing.
The mess is even deeper in assembly where "limit min" is just abbreviated "min" (see my code example three postings above), although - as everyone is aware of - is the mathematical MAX-function.
The main application for min and max however is not as in our example where you "widen" a certain range (looking for the highest frequency, starting with e.g. 0) but in "clipping" algorithms.
It is extremely simple to garantee a value to be in an a,b-range by writing
For me, keeping this "pattern" in mind helped a lot!
I gave a wrong line yesterday in the early morning, seems the "pattern" slipped my mind Thanks to MIRROR!!
Whats more important, the above example can be performed by just two machine instructions!!
Post Edited (deSilva) : 7/10/2007 11:48:39 AM GMT
In this example it was possible to reduce a 100 mys SPIN code sequence to 4 mys pure machine code. To utilize this advantage fully it is extremely important to design the interface to "the other" COG to not need a copying of too many variables in SPIN. I.e. the parameter blocks have to be constructed very carefully!
In the above example, you can either let the COG compute the algorithm permanently (the "data-flow" approach) or - more typically - start it by storing a specific value into a communication cell and waiti for the result; in my example:
This interface however will take more than 13 mys, reducing the generic speed-up considerable (by a factor of 3!). In fact the while loop is superfluous if "the other" COG performs the request faster than a single line of SPIN code.
<quote on Pg 261>
X := Y + 21 <# 250
The above example adds 21 to Y and limits the result to a maximum value to 250.
So to limit a value in the range a to b (where a < b) then I would think you need to write it as:
value := a #> value <# b
Have I misread the manual?
Post Edited (mirror) : 7/10/2007 8:59:14 AM GMT
My Benchmark even says 39 mys *)
You assume, the coding (Shift, or) has ben done by the data provider.
But you also have to add the de-coding:
CameFrom := HighFreq&$7+1
HighFreq := HighFreq>>3
Giving additional 21 mys
So we now have constant 60+ mys in contrast to changing 70 to 130 mys of the original code.
*) You most likely used DAT variables oder variables in higher memory rather than low memory variables ; in that case I have 50 mys very close to your 48 mys.
Post Edited (deSilva) : 7/10/2007 12:05:44 PM GMT
Yes, the shape of the operators make it seem that they have directionality, but in fact they don't. They are commutative, in the mathematical sense that
a #> b = b #> a
a <# b = b <# a
That is clear when you think of them as MAX(a,b)=MAX(b,a) or MIN(a,b)=MIN(b,a) respectively.
Also, they have the associate property (that ErNa used):
(a #> b ) #> c = a #> (b #> c)
As a mnemonic I think of #> as , "number greatest" (The arrow points UP the number line), and <# as "lowest number" (The arrow points DOWN the number line). But no directional "than" as in greater or less than ....
The Stamp PBASIC has the same issue with its MIN and MAX operators that have to be stood on their head.
Tracy Allen
Post Edited (Tracy Allen) : 7/10/2007 5:42:54 PM GMT
I can kind of see where the "limit minimum" name comes from, though I think it's an unfortunate choice. You have to forget the mathematical sense of min(a,b) and go with the common English usage of minimum in phrases such as "$5 minimum" and "minimum order: 3 pcs". In other words, "#>" sets a lower limit. It is commutative, but I think it works best if the lower limit is on the right of "#>". Some hypothetical Spin examples:
In many usages, it will not be known in advance which side will be the limit. That is the case with Beau's deucedly clever formula, where all variables are peers.
I first came up to this kind of function in an analog computer, where potentiometers actually set the lower and upper limits of control or output variables. When the lab started implementing it on a PDP 7, they carried over the same logic, with lower and upper limits, but I think they called them floor and ceiling.
Tracy Allen
MAX and MIN are most heavily used operations, and it was very wise tzo implement them in hardware! Higher programming languages sometimes have "generic" MAX and MIN functions, allowing you to write:
MAX ( a,b,c,d,e,...) ode MIN (a,b,c,d,e,....
So there is nothing peculiar with this operation except that it has got the wrong name - as many things with the Propeller are counter experience and counter intuition.
I also think this is a good memory hook... I have more difficultities in assembly where it is called MIN and MAX, the opposite way around
Post Edited (deSilva) : 7/11/2007 5:49:14 PM GMT