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display on a monitor — Parallax Forums

display on a monitor

ardilloardillo Posts: 4
edited 2007-07-04 05:48 in Propeller 1
hi!!! i new in this stuff but i want to know, if is possible, put graphics on a monitor screen. using the light_meter example intead of using leds to display the increment of the light intensity, draw something, maybe in paint and then assing or tag every rectangle that forms the bar diplay, light up with color when the correponding pin is high..... if some know something please let me know???????


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-07-04 05:48
    Sure, it's possible to do what you want with the Propeller and a TV or VGA monitor. It's probably pretty easy. I'd suggest starting with the graphics demo (Graphics_Demo.spin) program and the graphics (Graphics.spin) driver that comes with the Propeller Tool. Like most contributed programs for the Propeller, the documentation is included as comments in the source program. The graphics driver allows you to draw lines and shapes on the monitor screen as well as place text in any of several colors.
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