Trench demo in VGA
Posts: 72
Still stuggling away....
I've been trying to get the trench demo to run in vga. I think I have most of it done - my monitor does display something! I commented out most of the graphics and just have it set the tile colours, but that ends up showing the tiles as a mishmash of colours with random looking noise in then. I'm probably just missing one little thing that'd make it all work and I'm hoping someone can spot it.
graphics.spin and vga.spin have not been modified in any way (one file at a time is quite enough for me!)
I've been trying to get the trench demo to run in vga. I think I have most of it done - my monitor does display something! I commented out most of the graphics and just have it set the tile colours, but that ends up showing the tiles as a mishmash of colours with random looking noise in then. I'm probably just missing one little thing that'd make it all work and I'm hoping someone can spot it.
graphics.spin and vga.spin have not been modified in any way (one file at a time is quite enough for me!)
' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' Color rotation demo, creates 3D trench effect ' AUTHOR: Andre' LaMothe ' LAST MODIFIED: 5.15.06 ' VERSION 1.0 ' 256x192, 4 colors, bitmapped, quadrant I, mapped to screen, (0,0) at ' lower bottom left ' Use the gamepad up/down to speed up/slow down the color rotation ' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' CONSTANTS SECTION //////////////////////////////////////////////////// '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CON _clkmode = xtal2 + pll8x ' enable external clock and pll times 4 _xinfreq = 10_000_000 + 0000 ' set frequency to 10 MHZ plus some error _stack = ($3000 + $3000 + 64) >> 2 ' accomodate display memory and stack ' graphics driver and screen constants PARAMCOUNT = 21 'OFFSCREEN_BUFFER = $2000 ' offscreen buffer, unused in this template ONSCREEN_BUFFER = $3000 ' onscreen buffer ** Originally $5000 but [url=mailto:320x240@2bpp]320x240@2bpp[/url] is 19,200 bytes $4B00 ' size of graphics tile map $7FFF - $4B00 = $34FF so $5000 wouldn't be good X_TILES = 20 Y_TILES = 15 SCREEN_WIDTH = 320 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 240 ' color constant's to make setting colors for parallax graphics setup easier COL_Black = %0000_0010 COL_DarkGrey = %0000_0011 COL_Grey = %0000_0100 COL_LightGrey = %0000_0101 COL_BrightGrey = %0000_0110 COL_White = %0000_0111 COL_PowerBlue = %0000_1_100 COL_Blue = %0001_1_100 COL_SkyBlue = %0010_1_100 COL_AquaMarine = %0011_1_100 COL_LightGreen = %0100_1_100 COL_Green = %0101_1_100 COL_GreenYellow = %0110_1_100 COL_Yellow = %0111_1_100 COL_Gold = %1000_1_100 COL_Orange = %1001_1_100 COL_Red = %1010_1_100 COL_VioletRed = %1011_1_100 COL_Pink = %1100_1_100 COL_Magenta = %1101_1_100 COL_Violet = %1110_1_100 COL_Purple = %1111_1_100 ' each palette entry is a LONG arranged like so: color 3 | color 2 | color 1 | color 0 COLOR_0 = (COL_Black << 0) COLOR_1 = (COL_Red << 8) COLOR_2 = (COL_Red << 16) COLOR_3 = (COL_White << 24) ' button ids/bit masks ' NES bit encodings general for state bits NES_RIGHT = %00000001 NES_LEFT = %00000010 NES_DOWN = %00000100 NES_UP = %00001000 NES_START = %00010000 NES_SELECT = %00100000 NES_B = %01000000 NES_A = %10000000 '////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' VARIABLES SECTION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// '////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VAR long vga_status 'status: off/visible/invisible read-only (21 contiguous longs) long vga_enable 'enable: off/on write-only long vga_pins 'pins: byte(2),topbit(3) write-only long vga_mode 'mode: interlace,hpol,vpol write-only long vga_videobase 'video base @word write-only long vga_colorbase 'color base @long write-only long vga_hc 'horizontal cells write-only long vga_vc 'vertical cells write-only long vga_hx 'horizontal cell expansion write-only long vga_vx 'vertical cell expansion write-only long vga_ho 'horizontal offset write-only long vga_vo 'vertical offset write-only long vga_hd 'horizontal display pixels write-only long vga_hf 'horizontal front-porch pixels write-only long vga_hs 'horizontal sync pixels write-only long vga_hb 'horizontal back-porch pixels write-only long vga_vd 'vertical display lines write-only long vga_vf 'vertical front-porch lines write-only long vga_vs 'vertical sync lines write-only long vga_vb 'vertical back-porch lines write-only long vga_rate 'pixel rate (Hz) write-only long vga_screen 'pointer to screen (words) write-only long vga_colors 'pointer to colors (longs) { word screen[noparse][[/noparse]screensize] long col, row, color long boxcolor,ptr long stack[noparse][[/noparse]100] } {VAR long vga_status '0/1/2 = off/visible/invisible read-only long vga_enable '0/? = off/on write-only long vga_pins '%ppmmm = pins write-only long vga_mode '%ccinp = chroma,interlace,ntsc/pal,swap write-only long vga_screen 'pointer to screen (words) write-only long vga_colors 'pointer to colors (longs) write-only long vga_hc 'horizontal cells write-only long vga_vc 'vertical cells write-only long vga_hx 'horizontal cell expansion write-only long vga_vx 'vertical cell expansion write-only long vga_ho 'horizontal offset write-only long vga_vo 'vertical offset write-only long vga_broadcast 'broadcast frequency (Hz) write-only long vga_auralcog 'aural fm cog write-only } word screen[noparse][[/noparse]X_TILES * Y_TILES] ' storage for screen tile map long colors[noparse][[/noparse]64] ' color look up table long palette[noparse][[/noparse]4] ' used to shadows colors ' nes gamepad vars long nes_buttons '////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' OBJECT DECLARATION SECTION ////////////////////////////////////////////////// '////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OBJ 'tv : "vga_drv_010.spin" ' instantiate a tv object vga : "vga.spin" gr : "graphics_drv_010.spin" ' instantiate a graphics object gpad : "gamepad_drv_001.spin" ' gamepad driver '////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' PUBLIC FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// '////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PUB start | i, dx, dy, x, y, y_inv ,t, temp_color, rotation_rate 'start vga longmove(@vga_status, @vgaparams, paramcount) vga_screen := @screen vga_colors := @colors vga.start(@vga_status) 'init colors, each tile has same 4 colors palette[noparse][[/noparse]0] := COL_Black palette[noparse][[/noparse]1] := COL_Violet palette[noparse][[/noparse]2] := COL_Violet palette[noparse][[/noparse]3] := COL_White repeat i from 0 to 63 colors[noparse][[/noparse]i] := (palette[noparse][[/noparse]3] << 24) | (palette[noparse][[/noparse]2] << 16) | (palette[noparse][[/noparse]1] << 8) | (palette[noparse][[/noparse]0] << 0) 'init tile screen repeat dx from 0 to vga_hc - 1 repeat dy from 0 to vga_vc - 1 screen[noparse][[/noparse]dy * vga_hc + dx] := onscreen_buffer >> 6 + dy + dx * vga_vc + ((dy & $3F) << 10) { UNUSED CODE DELETED FOR CLARITY } ' END RENDERING SECTION /////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' END MAIN GAME LOOP REPEAT BLOCK /////////////////////////////////////////// '////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' DATA SECTION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// '////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DAT ' VGA PARAMS FOR DRIVER vgaparams long 0 'status: off/visible/invisible read-only (21 contiguous longs) long 1 'enable: off/on write-only long %010_111 'pins: byte(2),topbit(3) write-only long %0011 'mode: interlace,hpol,vpol write-only long 0 'video base @word write-only long 0 'color base @long write-only long X_TILES 'horizontal cells write-only long Y_TILES 'vertical cells write-only long 1 'horizontal cell expansion write-only long 1 'vertical cell expansion write-only long 0 'horizontal offset write-only long 0 'vertical offset write-only long 320 'horizontal display pixels write-only long 21 'horizontal front-porch pixels write-only long 40 'horizontal sync pixels write-only long 41 'horizontal back-porch pixels write-only long 240 'vertical display lines write-only long 1 'vertical front-porch lines write-only long 1 'vertical sync lines write-only long 19 'vertical back-porch lines write-only long 15_000_000 'pixel rate (Hz) write-only
Looking at the original trench demo, I cannot for the life of me see where the address of the video memory is passed to the vga driver, yet it somehow knows exactly where to look and same thing with the colors array.
What am I missing? I know its going to be something simple. It always is.
PS - Yes, I tried putting the screen and colors into the vgaparams list. Of course, the pointers are in variables and variables are verboten in a constants listing.
I got it... It was something simple of course.
In the DAT section the screen and colors pointers were zero because those are assigned in runtime and the dat is constant. The vga variables list also has vga_screen and vga_colors, but those are type declarations so no value.
At the beginning of pub start, longmove is used to move the DAT data into the vga variables THEN the screen and colors pointers are assigned to the vga_screen and vga_colors. Of course it hit me after I gave up and went to do something completely different.
I now have the trench demo working in VGA! The colors need adjusting though, not nearly the same on a VGA monitor.
Did a bit of a search ... found it here ...
loads of stuff in this zip file - you will find it under the 'hydra trench archive'
'Necessity is the mother of invention'
Post Edited (QuattroRS4) : 7/4/2007 4:29:13 AM GMT