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Running a set of frequencies

datacpsdatacps Posts: 139
edited 2007-07-07 17:16 in General Discussion
I want to save some code space and I looked at the other threads to see if anyone can give me an idea of how to run a set of frequencies with out using this piece af code for every frequency I want to run.
I am a newbie so I don't know how to store a set of data and then run it.rolleyes.gif
freqwanted = 1700
··· LCDChar ClearScreen
··· LCDStr "· Freq OUT = "
··· LCDWord freqWanted
··· SetFreq freqWanted
pause 80000

Instead can freqWanted be something like
freqwanted = 1700, 1950,2200,1890, ect
··· LCDChar ClearScreen
··· LCDStr "· Freq OUT = "
··· LCDWord freqWanted
··· SetFreq freqWanted Run 3min@
I would like to run them 3 minutes each. I can probably write the code for minutes but I don't know how to write it to read the stored set. I don't want to write 5 lines of code for each frequency. I am new so please forgive my ignorance.. Also The SX Chip is incredible. I will use it from now on with all my projects. Parrallax support makes it possible for newbies like me to create their designs.. Thanks to everyone that has helped me..


  • Sparks-R-FunSparks-R-Fun Posts: 388
    edited 2007-07-03 18:51
    You should look at the DATA and READ statements. List your frequencies in a table like this.

    WDATA 1700, 1950,2200,1890,… etc

    Then set up a FOR… NEXT loop and use a READ statement to assign the next value from your data table to your "freqwanted" variable.

    I think that will get you started in the right direction.

    - Sparks
  • datacpsdatacps Posts: 139
    edited 2007-07-05 03:37
    Thanks Sparks. I have been working on it all day I have different values on freqout. I think I have something stored in a different part of the program and it is reading that data. I will try a few more things but I can get it to count down the list at the delay I want. I got to get it to freq out the correct freq and I am good. Thanks for you help. Also are the data values being read in dec. value when I write it like

    Sometimes it starts on 1200 then the next value is 33567 or something like that.
    high lcd
    freqwanted = freqdata
    FOR setrun = 10 TO 0 step - 1 ' demo values (last invalid)
    read freqdata,freqwanted
    pause 50

    LCDChar ClearScreen
    pause 50
    LCDStr "AutoRun= "
    LCDWord freqWanted
    SetFreq freqWanted
    pause 5000 ' update the display
    if button2 = pressed then goto start ' pause 1/2 second

    wdata 1200
    wdata 2000
    wdata 4300
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2007-07-05 13:07
    I'm not sure why you're doing "freqWanted = freqData" before the loop ???

    Right now your code "READ freqData, freqWanted" will always read the first value in the data set.
    Change "FOR setRun = 10 TO 0 STEP -1" to "FOR setRun = 0 TO 20 STEP 2" and change "READ freqData, freqWanted" to "READ freqData + setRun, freqWanted". That should read through the data values (I assume you have 11 data values ?).


    “The United States is a nation of laws -· poorly written and randomly enforced.” - Frank Zappa

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  • datacpsdatacps Posts: 139
    edited 2007-07-07 17:16
    Thanks for your Help Bean.. The last post was my final attempt before I posted. I had it the way the example on SX was but I did not realize that I had to multiply by two for WDATA. SO when a word value is used in WDATA it has to be multiplied by 2 in the steps and byte values.. ? It runs perfectly now . Thanks to you and Sparks..

    freqwanted = freqdata
    FOR setRun = 0 TO 20 STEP 2
    READ freqData + setRun, freqWanted
    LCDChar ClearScreen
    pause 50
    LCDStr "AutoRun= " ' update the display
    LCDWord freqWanted
    SetFreq freqWanted

    Pause 5000 'This pause set the on time for 5 sec
    'the setrun freq in seconds

    ' User Data


    WDATA 1100
    wDATA 1200
    wDATA 1300
    wDATA 1400
    wDATA 1500
    wDATA 1600
    wDATA 1700
    wDATA 1800
    wDATA 1900
    wDATA 2000
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