Long Range Remote Control
I am looking for hints and ideas to control a robot from long range. (at least 500 feet, I would hope to get 750-1000) I think I will need (ok would like) to have at least 8 separate controls or channels.
- Stephen
D Faust
Good point.· Let me first tell you a little bit about the project.· I am into model rocketry. The kind where the rocket is 12' long, the take off weight is 50-70 lbs and the motor has between 300-400 lbs of thrust. I am also into photography. So, in order to combine both interests, I want to build a robot that will go out right next to the rockets as they are launching and take a video.· So, I will have to have a video system in the robot. If I can combine the recording video and the navigation video, then I will only need one system. If not, I will need two cameras and transmit one of them back to the "control center".
····· This is a different way of looking at the problem. I could set up a "receiver/transmitter" halfway to the launch pads. It is a very open range so I don't have any other barriers to block the signals.
Keep the ideas coming guys!!!!!
Robot vision is the the future, and Vision will take us there.
Another approach is to 'mount' the camera on the side of one rocket, (with a balance for it on the other side). That's how they're getting really cool images of Shuttle launches these days.
Edit:· Gotcha, 'danger cam', it sits on the ground, but 'too close' to the rocket.· There are some very nice RC camera sets, but I don't know the range.· They're not very expensive though.· Worst case, put the RC camera at the rocket, 100' away put the 'recieving station', then run the video through wire as far as you want.
- Stephen
··· MaxStream has some OEM moduals called XBpro that transmitts RS232 data up to a mile.
They also have a unit with antenna and mounted in a nice box that transmits RS232 a mile.
You will need two of either one to make it work and then you can send signals from a Laptop to a BS2 via RS232 or you can send data from BS2 to BS2 and create your own wireless remote.
Also look at this websight this guy made himself a large remote.
I hope this helps..
You could go with one camera. While the camera is on, a wireless video transmitter hooked up to the video feed and transmitted to a remote small lcd display will give you the visual navigation needed to move into position. If your video camera has a serial lanc interface control, the stamp in the robot could be used to put the camera in record when desired. Unfortunately, you will need a wireless video transmitter for the navigation, and another wireless serial transmitter to control the robot and camera. Most video cams come with a wireless remote, but i don't think it would be within the range you need.
The following link should give you some idea of what you can do:
And for licensing info, see the ARRL site at www.arrl.org
Post Edited (Kevin Wood) : 7/1/2007 12:31:33 AM GMT
Thanks for all of the ideas.· A plan is starting to take shape.· Bennettdan posted a great link to a website that a guy made a great little (well actually large) remote.· I am going to take alot from his design and building something similar.· The builder of that great remote,·Michael Simpson used a cheap 6 channel transimitter and receiver from all-electronics.· I will be ordering one of these myself.·
I don't really know the range of this system but I am going to use it anyway.· I will get the robot build and running and then see about extending it later. Most liklely it will·be done by placing·a repeater halfway.
I think Kelvin James is right on track with his ideas about the camera system. A Kevin Wood is right about getting licensed to mess with amateur radio.· I think I am going to start studying for the test very soon.·(It can only help me in the future)
PS, which forum is the best place to start a "build" thread so I can document my build progress?
Also, will you be using a camera that is capable of high-speed (slow motion) recording? If not, and if you are so close to the launch site, won't the recorded video be a verrrrry short (and uninteresting) shoot (rocket lifting off and out of frame almost immediately)?
Would you gain more reliable control over tracking by backing off, and perhaps by selectively using the camera's lens zoom capability?
Please be advised that the R/C transmitter and receiver offered by All Electronics is not a standard unit. They are intended for use with Vex products. They can be used for standard R/C applications but additional hardware and software, which is not included, is required to do so.
Bruce Bates
Maybe later on I might be able to work on a tracking system, at which time you are right, I would have to back away a good bit.
Thanks for the heads up on the all-electronics transmitter/receiver. Do you have any information on the additional things needed for standard use?·
Take a look at this thread: http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=653215
It will provide you with either a BS2x hardware or a software solution for decoding the VEX receiver serial servo output stream.
If you want to use an SX platform, then look at this thread: http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=635586
If you are going to send·a Robot·to save the world, you·better make sure it likes it the way it is!
Post Edited (Tom C) : 7/2/2007 2:47:36 AM GMT
This is exactly what I was looking for. This will save me a bunch of $$ and still handle the job.