Bluetooth app mod
I haven't begun to study Bluetooth technology yet but I have in mind a project where I program a Bluetooth enabled PDA to send commands to a Javelin based device. Does anyone know if the Bluetooth app mod connected to the Javelin is appropriate for this purpose? Or is it only really appropriate for communicating with another Bluetooth app mod?
The EB500 supports any Blue Tooth device that supports SPP (Serial protocol). The connection is made by MAC address and the communication is serial in nature. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
SPP (BT lingo) is just a fancy way of saying whether or not the device can create a BT Serial port. I have heard many forum members talk about the ability to do this, however I don’t have one to give you an example. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support