SXB Serial with Handshaking performance
The documentation says that all of the BasicStamp micros are limited to 19K2 Baud when handshaking (HS)·is used.
I need to get around that.· My external device does clag out at higher bandwidths with HS and HS is needed.
Would migration to an SX chip using the SXB compiler enable a higher serial throughput with handshaking?
(Yes I have posted this in 3 locations)
I need to get around that.· My external device does clag out at higher bandwidths with HS and HS is needed.
Would migration to an SX chip using the SXB compiler enable a higher serial throughput with handshaking?
(Yes I have posted this in 3 locations)
Second. My answer will have to be as vague as your question.
You didn't state how fast is fast, but the SX is as fast or faster than the device that is on the other end. The SX is so fast, that it can handle anything that the device will send. I don't care if it's software handshaking or hardware handshaking. Now. You will have to program it. You will have to do the hardware to get true RS232 levels if needed. And, you may not be able to use the serial statements. Again, I don't know what's fast to you.
HTH, Chris
Soft or hard handshaking ?
What baud rate ?
What clock speed for the SX ?
“The United States is a nation of laws -· poorly written and randomly enforced.” - Frank Zappa
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