Serial communication
I have attached a schematic of the 2 transistor circuit for programing the propeller that has 2 additional parts that allows better compatibility with terminal programs including hyper terminal using the fullduplexserial object, it works by using the rx pin to charge a cap for the tx pin instead of using the DTR pin.
necessity is a mother
I wish they would come up with a new RS-232 "standard" which addresses RS-232 as it is used these days (very short runs and high-speed), but that might mean a loss of revenue for many chip manufacturers. In the meantime system manufacturers have to incorporate chips with charge pumps and +/- drive outputs just because they need to be compliant with an ancient standard. Large voltage swings limit the baud-rate because of the slow slew-rate of the drivers.
BTW, quite a few of my boards don't bother with any DTR reset feature as I simply power-up or reset the prop at the same time as I download. DTR reseting can be a problem in production systems and sometimes only the RX and TX are available anyway. Besides, other than development there is no need to be continually downloading new software so it's no hassle to do without.