UK Prop'ers?
Looking at the posts I seem to see a fair bunch of UK propeller users.· I am in the UK for another 4 months but wanted to get into propeller, but havent found a decient supplier for the propeller, and basic parts like power supplies and such.· So is everybody using Milford Instruments· for getting propeller stuff?·· I am also looking for a good breadboard and such.·(probably pick up that type of things on for now, but would love to know where the 'digikey' in the uk is for hobbiest.)
I did a 'what if' price online at parallax, and basically shipping is more then the components if delivered to scotland/GB/ireland
I guess that's my 'high-mark' to try to find cheaper.·· Are any other shippers in the EU better price wise?
I guess I will just have to 'byte' the bullet and get the bare minimum I need for now and pick up the rest when I return to the states in october.
I did a 'what if' price online at parallax, and basically shipping is more then the components if delivered to scotland/GB/ireland

I guess that's my 'high-mark' to try to find cheaper.·· Are any other shippers in the EU better price wise?
I guess I will just have to 'byte' the bullet and get the bare minimum I need for now and pick up the rest when I return to the states in october.

FTDI in Scotland have a Propstick type of product DLP-PROP.
And just in case you were wondering I got mine from Milford Instruments.
Good luck in your search.
For general electronic supplies try maplin: (the equivalent to radio shack) and also (a cheaper but more limited version of RS and Farnell).
For other basic parts as well as the places mentioned might be worth a look to.
Post Edited (MarkL) : 6/25/2007 11:04:02 PM GMT
It seems to be what you are·looking for -- Propeller education kit (breadboard and ground up stuff).
Don't know if 52 pounds is a good price.
Shipping £12
Sounds like it is just coming from the states.
I use Milford for the Parallax parts; haven't found anywhere cheaper (and believe me I've tried). I am currently considering setting-up to import Parallax and Sparkfun stock though, so wonder if there's any interest?
As for other parts, I've been using Maplin -- they do the exact same breadboards as used in the PEKit (see
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
Crazy weather - indeed! Kinda reminds me of Santa Cruz actually
I have since noticed that farnell sell them for £14 with free dilivery over £20 so worth it if buying a few other bits.
I am glad someone had posted this as it is something that annoys me a little.
Milford charge Vat and postage on top of their prices, they do not stock the prop proto accessory kit, nor do they stock the SX-Key, just the sx-key tech board.
I want to start playing with the SX for things that do not need tv output and require more I/O pins, yet parallax charge the earth to send just one board ($60), surely they could just send it via ems, it still has tracking and no way would it cost £30 to send a small board weighing circa 100grams.
I also want to take advantage of parllax's 5 prop proto board for $100, yet with the shipping it is just not worth it. I don't want to line the pockets of a middle man, I just want my proto boards without needing a 2nd mortgage to cover the shipping.
I have used milford and they were very good, and very quick in sending out my items, yet they have no online ordering (direct), and do not stock certain key items such as the sx-key or sx-blitz.
I converted to propeller from the picaxe, a lot less powerful, similar price, but at least they were UK based.
Please can someone either stock the items in the Uk or can Parallax reduce their shipping costs outside of the US
Oh and I also agree that rapidonline is very good, nice lot of non-rohs stuff cheap, also farnell wanted £108 for 400 rectifier diodes, while Rapid wanted £10 for 500 of the same model. but yes they do not have such a variety, while maplins i find stock very little and are not cheap.
if anyone knows where I can get an sx-key in the uk, please let me know.
Rant Over
I had not realized the prices were ex-vat, I was buying for work so it wasn't my money anyway [noparse]:)[/noparse]
As far as the shipping costs from parallax I asked nicely and was able to get my origional demoboard sent via the US postal service which saved a bit but I'm not sure this is something they can do on every order or automate easily.
Unfortunately Farnell Do Not stock a Proto Board .. and I have asked them ..
They stock a 'Starter Kit' - FEC Order Code: 1263885 - which is a Demo Board,Manual and CD (No PSU)
and 'SX Tool Lite' FEC Order Code: 1263899
Props and SX I.C's
They also stock the BS2
'Necessity is the mother of invention'
Post Edited (QuattroRS4) : 6/27/2007 2:33:34 AM GMT
Perhaps parallax could comment on their ability to ship via usps or ems?
It would help clear things up.
I have had orders placed with Parallax via website and items arrived very promptly.....ordered 13 items recently and shipping (to Ireland) was US$75..
'Necessity is the mother of invention'